
"Oh?" Catherine suddenly became interested. "Today is my off day, tell me what I need to know."

Since she could not get into the blockade line, Catherine decided to leave first. However, she could not bear to hang up the phone.

"According to my understanding of this man, he probably doesn't care much about money."

"From what you understand?" Catherine asked with a smile, "I don't think you've seen this 'guy' before, right?"

"In fact, I've already seen him. He's in the database."

"Why don't you tell me more about this person? Just tell me the most exciting facts. Let's test that database of yours"

"I think this will far exceed your expectations." Catherine heard the person on the other side typing frantically.

After typing for a while, a voice came from the other end of the phone again, "Mr. Justin Farys. Member of the downtown Homicide team. This Mr. Farys was both a soldier and a police officer. But strangely, after he retired from active service in the army, he chose to become a police officer after he was admitted to the Police Academy."

"He's both a soldier and a police officer? He's quite good."

"He's also an expert manhunter. He's won awards in competitions. Moreover, his many years of military service and his police career have given him a strong sense of morality and justice."

"I see. Such a person can not be bought over by money. Does your database contain this person's weaknesses?"

"Well... There is one."

"Is that so? Your database is indeed impressive. Tell me, what is his weakness?"

"He... Well, he doesn't seem to have been married before."

Catherine was shocked speechless by the other party's answer.

"And... What kind of weakness is that?" Catherine asked calmly.

"Well, I think there aren't many good men like this anymore. Your Majesty should try to get to know him. After all, you've visited his single bed in his bedroom."

Hearing this, Catherine hung up the phone expressionlessly. Now she finally understood why most people hated hackers.

Late at night.

Justin finished his shift and was about to go home.

"Hey buddy, you're not home yet?"

Coincidentally, Drake was about to go on patrol. Justin smiled helplessly and said, "There's nothing I can do. This is a temporary assignment from the higher-ups. Anyway, there are only so many people in the police station, there aren't many places to hide."

"I guess you're right."

After bidding farewell to Drake, Justin dragged his tired body back home.

He turned on the lights in the living room and then eagerly turned on the lights in the bedroom. He found that the girl who was originally lying on the bed had disappeared without a trace.

Although it was to be expected, he was still slightly disappointed. After working hard for a day, he originally thought that he would be able to see her again.

Now, after experiencing the cruelty of war, he always felt that he was too lonely.

No matter where or when, he was mostly alone. After so many years, he had gotten used to it.

He opened the pizza box listlessly and was about to eat it when he found a note stuck on the inside. The note was written in beautiful, round handwriting. "Thank you for rescuing me from the unknown gentleman. PS. you need better taste in pizza."

Justin couldn't help but laugh. Turning the note around, Justin saw that the girl had not only left her name, but also her contact information. 

Justin's heart suddenly filled with confidence.