Personal Accidents

"Hello, this is Johnson."

"Hello, chief editor Johnson. This is Catherine."

"Oh, it's Catherine. I was just about to call you. Did you have a good rest last night?"

"It was alright. There was an emergency. But it's settled now."

"What emergency? Oh... I didn't mean to pry. I shouldn't have asked. Anyway, the President has given us feedback for your report and the results are remarkable. Our sales are ahead of all the other newspapers as well. The president granted you 15 days of paid vacation as a reward, so you should have a good rest. Oh, by the way, have you seen Alan before? He's the guy who went to the party with you last night. He didn't come to work today. He didn't answer his phone calls or texts, either"

"Have you seen this morning's news, sir? The one on the front page."

"Not yet. Why?"

"Then please take some time to read it. I think... After reading it, you'll know where Alan went." With that, Catherine hung up the phone.

Johnson was confused by Catherine's way of speaking, but he still listened to her suggestion and turned on his computer to search for today's news. When he read about the murders last night, he gasped in shock

Recalling what Catherine said to him just now, Johnson could not help but feel a little creeped out.

Catherine, however, was not worried at all. In addition to the protection of yesterday's 'Escort', Catherine had also received updates from the Coven. 

It was the weekend, and Catherine is still wearing the same business suit in front of her Apple computer, sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop, enjoying a good afternoon.

She was waiting for the hacker to send the information he had to her work email.

A moment later, a notification beep sounded from her computer.

Catherine opened the email and looked at the video file inside. At first, the frat party in the Forest Park was normal, but after she left, a group of people in white, missionary-like robes arrived on the scene and gathered in the middle of the party.

Not long after, the group of people began to paint something on the ground with spray paint. Looking at their general movements, it was very likely that they were drawing the totem that Bob had drawn before.

After a few minutes, the group gathered into a circle in an organized manner. The man in the white robe standing at the front suddenly took out a sharp knife from his long robe and shouted something at the crowd.

The panicked crowd was instantly surrounded by the group of missionaries. Some people in the crowd tried to escape but were stabbed to death and fell to the ground, unable to move. Most of them immediately tried to break out of the encirclement when they saw this scene.

Looking at the group of missionaries, they did not seem to be in the mood to chase after the escaping people. Instead, they killed all the remaining people that they trapped. The cruelty of their methods was simply incomparable.

"Animals!" Catherine knocked on the table indignantly and cursed angrily.

How could such a group of cult fanatics frame the Coven with such heinous tactics?

Although the Coven did engage in illegal activities, they would never allow such ruthlessness. Even when she had previously killed the "Duke" with her own hands, she was blamed by the godfather for being in the wrong.

Thinking of this, she was very angry and took a sip of the coffee that the waiter had just brought over. This was one of the reasons why Catherine always came to this place.

"Lavender... I really should have another cup." Catherine tasted the different aromas in the cup and suddenly felt that something was not right. She put away the computer and slowly walked to the front desk.

"Hello, How can I help you?" The receptionist at the front desk greeted Catherine warmly.

"I want to know who made this latte for me." Catherine stared at him expressionlessly. If she was right, that guy must be waiting for her in the kitchen.

"Okay, please follow me." Catherine followed the waiter into the kitchen.

As expected, Spider had been waiting in the kitchen for a long time. However, what surprised Catherine the most was that the Godfather also appeared in the kitchen.

However, he was currently enjoying his steak, so he would be occupied for a while.

According to the rules of the Coven, eating was regarded as enjoying the grace of the gods, and it was also considered as divine communication. Therefore, nothing was allowed during mealtimes, even talking.