Catherine quickly walked into a clothing store.

"Godmother, please move a little less. It's a mess of signals here and the frequency is not very stable."

Catherine placed her laptop on a stool and said, "Don't worry, I just need to make some preparations."

"Is there anything I can help you with?" The salesgirl saw Catherine enter and greeted her warmly.

 "Bring me that black goth mask for me to try on." Catherine did not stand on ceremony and immediately instructed the salesgirl to get it.

 "A friendly reminder, from my personal point of view, the white mask on the side is more suitable for what you're wearing right now." 

"A rebuttal. Your suggestion is invalid. From my point of view, the dark gothic style is more suitable for me, not the exaggerated... Exotic style."

"Here you go. You can try it here. The mirror in our shop is –"

Before the salesgirl finished, Catherine interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt. I want to use the fitting room in your shop. Please show me the way."

"You need a fitting room for the mask?" The shop assistant looked at the young and capable woman in front of her suspiciously and answered in an awkward but polite manner, "Okay. Just walk to the end on the left."

"Thank you." Catherine picked up the computer and took the mask from the shop assistant's hand, rushing to the fitting room.

"Well, I finally found a quiet place."

"I'm ready to connect to the billboard for you at any time. You still have five minutes to prepare. In five minutes, you will be automatically connected to the big screen in Times Square, thus blocking the other party's speech."

"That's enough. The other party's intention is still unclear. During the time I'm speaking, use the range of IP addresses you can now identify to upload on the sect's intranet."

"Okay, no problem." After saying that, the other party hung up the phone.

"Phew... It's been a long time since I've done this." Catherine lamented, but her hands did not stop.

She sent a text message to Spider and Zero, instructing them to organize their agents to participate in the hunt for this group of heretics from an unknown sect.

Five minutes later.

The pedestrians on the street stopped to watch the absurd speech in Times Square and laughed as if they were watching a circus performance.

Not long after, a group of people in white robes appeared on the street and were gathering in Times Square in an orderly manner. They held short knives in their hands and slowly walked toward the direction of the crowd.

At this moment, the digital billboard changed what it was displaying. Catherine was online.

"Hello. My name is ROOT, and I'm the person in charge of the well-known 'Coven'. The previous amateur's speech really annoyed me, so I asked someone to unplug that person's Internet connection. I hope to take this opportunity to send a message to the clowns in white robes. Your game is over. Don't cross the line again, or I will make you pay the price of your life to wake you up and make you feel how ridiculous this farce is!"

Catherine was playing the video on the screen with her mask on. The people in the white robes were thrown into confusion.

"What's going on?" The leader did not seem to understand the current situation. The original plan was completely interrupted by Catherine's forceful interruption.

"Find out what's going on." The leader was about to send someone to assess the situation but found that the police had surrounded them in their confusion.

"Don't move, raise your hands!"

"Throw the knives in your hands on the ground! Quickly!"

"Turn around, slowly turn around! Don't make any sudden movements!"

Amidst the cries of the people, the police quickly surrounded this group of fanatics, maintaining public order. This farce seemed to be coming to an end.

"No one can stop us."

"We will live and die together."

Instead of backing down, however, the fanatics shoved the knives into their bodies all at once. The police had no time to stop them. This group of fierce religious fanatics took their last breath in front of the police.