Interrogation (Part One)

After Catherine ended the live broadcast, Catherine took off her mask.

At this moment, her cell phone rang again in a very timely manner. "The situation is under control, please rest assured. After ending the call, I promptly contacted the downtown police station. The group of fanatics has chosen to show their religious fanaticism by killing themselves."

"It was you who made the decision to send the information to the police, wasn't it? How dare you send the information without receiving an order?"

"Your agents would have taken too long to mobilize. Plus, this is the job of the police, after all."

"I hope you didn't hack the police database."

"Uh, actually... I hacked the entire police station's communication systems. In the name of those cultists, of course. The police nowadays rely too much on technology, I didn't expect that the previous group of fanatics had already hacked the police's security facilities. All the downtown police were locked in by their own security systems and couldn't exit the building."

"I knew that the other party was prepared. Oh right, let's go back to the previous topic. After you deciphered the IP address, did you find the whereabouts of those people?"

"Unfortunately, our people couldn't find any trace of these fanatics at the four locations that came up."

"Forget it, at least this time, we appeased the people and stopped the other party's speech. It can be considered as a small gain."

"Oh right, there's one more thing I need to remind you..."

"Speak." Hearing the other party's secretive words, Catherine thought that there was definitely something bad going on.

"In fact, when I projected you onto the screen previously, your IP address had already been exposed, so you might be taken for questioning later. It's best for you to be mentally prepared."


"I'll remind you one last time. The sect, from the outside, looks absolutely invincible."

At this moment, there was an orderly knock on the door of the fitting room.

Catherine opened the door and saw two police officers standing in front of her.

The one who spoke was an adult woman with a black ponytail. "Hello, we'd like to bring you in for questioning regarding a threat to public safety. Please come with us."

Soon, Catherine was handcuffed by the two agents and brought into the police car.

As she left the building and passed by the digital billboard, Catherine sneaked a glance at the place where the group of fanatics committed suicide. The place had been cordoned off by the police.

However, the way the group committed suicide made Catherine think of something. Perhaps this group of heretics used the Coven for a purpose.

Their style, behavior, methodology, and finally the way they would not rest until they achieved their goal, were surprisingly similar to the Coven.

This made Catherine begin to suspect something. Were they a rogue unit that had detached from the main body of the Coven?

Soon, Catherine was brought to the interrogation room. The two agents went straight to the point.


"Catherine Crawford," Catherine answered carefully.

"Is that so?" The female agent did not seem to be satisfied with Catherine's answer. "That's not what you said in your speech."

"I... I don't know anything." Catherine tried to pretend to be innocent.

"We found this at the crime scene. Don't you remember?" The female agent threw the bag in her hand in front of Catherine. It was the mask that she had asked the shop assistant to take.

"Your taste is not bad. It's Gothic," the female agent commented.

"I... I picked it, but I didn't pick it." Catherine lowered her head and chose to avoid the topic.

"You said during the referendum that your name was 'ROOT', right? Why don't you admit to that?"

"I'm working as a journalist. I work at the nearby Wellings Magazine. Also... I didn't say that, someone forced me to say it. They said... They said that it would be more dramatic if my identity was exposed. Only then would the people believe what I said."

"You need to start making sense. What do you mean by your identity being exposed makes people more convinced?"

"I'm telling the truth. The paragraph I read before was transmitted to my computer. They even threatened me that if I didn't do it, they would end my life." At this point, Catherine began to bury her head in her hands and cry.

"Okay, don't cry, just answer the qustions." The female agent knocked on the table and signaled her to continue. "But our technicians didn't find anything on your computer."