Interrogation (Part II)

"I know sounds like a conspiracy, but what I said is true, it's all true! Please believe me!"

Catherine's acting skills began to come to light. Her performance had gradually begun to make the two people opposite her think that she was indeed being coerced.

"Please calm down." The female agent sighed, and then her attitude became gentler. "Catherine, don't be like this. Calm down and tell me what they did to you, okay?"

"They... Asked me to write an article."

"What article?"

"It's the report about Sarawil's trial that was published earlier. They gave me all the materials and asked me to write a report. They also asked me to guide the public's opinion based on my influence in Wellings Magazine."

"In other words, that report was fake, right?"

"Yes..." Catherine stammered and lied.

She disguised herself as a complete victim and successfully won the sympathy of the two agents.

"Tell me about the digital billboards. Did they order you to do that too?"

"Yes. They told me to wait in the building and wait for the next order. Then, according to their instructions, I bought this mask and hid in the fitting room according to their request, saying the lines they gave me."

"Okay, Catherine. You can go. But, if that group of people comes to look for you again, please contact me, okay?"

As she said this, the female agent handed over her business card. Her name was written on the business card – Jane Trent.

"Okay, thank you, Ms. Trent. Thank you." Catherine thanked the agent in front of her with a tearful voice.

"Okay, it's okay. Come, let me see you off."

Just as Trent stood up and was about to hold Catherine's hand and walk out, she suddenly said in a soft voice, "Invincible.".

This sudden greeting almost made Catherine laugh out loud.

Trent helped the 'Sad' Catherine out of the police station.

"Your acting is good, but crying like that was a bit overboard."

"I could barely finish the whole scene."

"If you held back, maybe you wouldn't have needed to act in the first place."

"... Maybe. So I can throw away this business card?"

"You can use it. If you have any problems in the future, you can still ask this Miss 'Trent' for help. After all, it's a little difficult for me to wear a police uniform."

"I've told you many times to lose weight, Miss Spider. Otherwise, you'll really be fat and you won't be able to walk properly in the future. But seriously, where did Miss Trent even come from?"

"In the back seat of your car." Spider handed the key in his hand to Catherine.

"Have you tested it?"

"I have. There's no problem. The Godfather has his own agenda, so he'll back me up. but this is only a suggestion."

"To be honest, of all the people he sent out this time, only your actions are the most meticulous. I'm deeply inspired."

"I'm at your service, Godmother."

"Clean up the mess in the police station first. Don't leave any traces that can lead back to the Coven. You can do what you want with the rest."

"Yes, Godmother." Spider watched Catherine leave.

After Catherine left, a black figure gradually walked to Spider's side.

"Remember the lesson. Our opponents are already making their move. Always look out for Godmother's safety. At my current age, it's impossible for me to nurture a second Godmother." The Godfather's tone was still as serious as ever.

"Yes, Godfather." Spider took off the ill-fitting police uniform and threw it into a police car.

Spider then helped the godfather and walked off into the sunset, away from the police station.

Catherine got into the only car in the parking lot that wasn't a police car. The woman in the back seat seemed to be cursing at herself.

Her mouth was bound with tape and her hands and feet were bound with hemp rope.

Catherine took up the pistol at the side of the gear lever, pointing it at her, she said, "Don't try to annoy me. My patience has its limits. Do you think you can win my sympathy? Listen, Miss Jane Trent, there are only two options for you. First, stop yapping and wait for my instructions, or two, I will drive the car to the bridge downtown and throw you into the river. It's your choice."

When Catherine said this, Trent seemed resigned to her fate. In the end, she chose not to make a scene, but to lie quietly in the back of the car, ready to resign herself to fate.