
It was around 8 pm. Catherine parked her car in the underground parking garage of Wellings Magazine. Trent was no longer tied up in the back seat.

After all this, Trent seemed to have understood Catherine's methods. Of course, she did not only admire Catherine, but also respected her.

Catherine used two hours and a meal to thoroughly persuade Trent. As a result, Trent was now wholeheartedly devoted to her.

"You now have two tasks. First, continue to go back to the National Security Intelligence Bureau to work. You deserve it. Second, to help me buy a residence, I need to live away from the Time Avenue area. Find the person in charge of the sect's intranet and he will find a way to transfer the funds to you. Internal transactions are basically done with cash, so don't worry about your colleagues in the headquarters investigating you."

"Yes, Godmother."

"By the way, we still have colleagues in the headquarters. This is a warning. If you encounter difficulties, someone will contact you, but the sect forbids meaningless communication. So, without the permission of the sect, you are not allowed to look for them. Do you understand?"

"I will follow your instructions, Godmother."

"Hurry up and settle the housing issue. I don't want to be stuck in a dilapidated storage room with my best friend next month. At least, don't let your Godmother freeze to death in the basement."

"Uh... Yes, godmother." After receiving instructions from Catherine, Trent immediately left and began the work assigned to her by Catherine.

In the storage room on the basement.

"Hey, you're back?" Seeing Catherine dragging her tired body through the door, Beth immediately turned off the TV. "How's the situation? Have you found them?"

"Nothing yet. By the way, are you really interested in watching these football games?"

"You think I actually want to watch them? This isn't a live broadcast. These are all videos I borrowed from my brother. He's only interested in football and hockey. I'd like to watch other channels, but this is a storage room, and it's on the first floor. It's already good enough to be able to watch these ."

"Well, I'm relieved to see that you're so content." Beth was still as heartless as before.

"Look, I'm not. You promised me that you'd help me find the real culprit, or else my life would be in danger."

"Yes, yes, I know. But you also know that they're very elusive, so we won't be able to find them for a while. Moreover, the fanatics who showed up on the streets today have all committed suicide, and none of them survived. I can only start working on your issue after I find these fanatics."

"I know, I read today's news. It's scary."

"I didn't get any useful clues, but I had a breakthrough nonetheless."

"What breakthrough?" Beth asked curiously. "Did you find a weakness or something?"

"This time, the missionary that was filmed by the enemy and projected on the big screen in Times Square is most likely the new heiress of the Kate family, Millie Kate."

"Millie? Is that the Millie Kate who argued with you in the office?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm 80% sure that the person who hacked into the big screen in Times Square and made a lot of noise on it was Millie."

"But if she was a fanatic, she would have attacked you when she was at Wellings Magazine. She didn't do anything then, so wouldn't that prove that she's not a member of this sect?"

"Maybe she's a newbie who had just joined the sect and doesn't know better. That's why she was pulled to the screen by a group of fanatics from their sect and made into the face of their propaganda operation."

"If that's the case, does that mean that someone from the Kate family is involved in this unknown group?"

"Unknown group, unknown group... Damn it! We still don't know who the other party is, how ridiculous!"

"Maybe they want to use this method to provoke you and your sect. Doesn't today's incident show the problem?"

"They did it on purpose. They deliberately exposed themselves in order to attract the attention of the police and the people who don't know the truth, so that they can completely pin the murders on us." Saying this, Catherine stormed out of the door in anger.

"Maybe, that was the point?" Beth hid in the storage room, curled up, and asked herself softly.