An Obedient Bird of Prey, Shocking Passers-by for 100 Years!

Eagle Arm, a skill granted by the system to create an unlimited amount of pressure on the bird!

Any bird that faced this skill would definitely submit and develop a strong sense of dependence and loyalty toward the person who initiated the skill!

Eagle Arm was one of the ways of training falcons in ancient times.

In layman's terms, it was not to let the eagle sleep, but to endure it and make it tired. After a few days, the wild nature of the eagle would be worn away, and it would submit to the person in front of it.

Since the eagle was naturally arrogant, it had the nickname of the king of the birds, so it naturally would not submit to anyone. Unless it was completely defeated at a certain point, it would continue to look down on everything else.

The goal was to make the eagle submit. Any bird of prey would carry their own pride and would not easily lower their heads.

That was the principle behind Eagle Arm. With the enhancement of the system, the power of Eagle Arm became even more unparalleled!

Now, it seemed that in an instant, the Andean condor had the intention to submit to Bingley. In fact, in its spiritual world, it had already been tortured countless times.

It had developed an incomparably powerful fear and trust towards this man in front of it, instantly deciding that Bingley was its master.


Following that, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

The Andean condor directly sensed Bingley's inner thoughts, and brought the devilish brat down slowly from several hundred meters in the air.

Following that, it obediently landed on Bingley's outstretched arm, not moving at all.

The originally crowded passers-by around Bingley instantly retreated, feeling fear towards this big fellow that could eat humans.

Countless passers-by watched this scene in horror. They couldn't believe that a vulture that was so irritable just a moment ago would suddenly become so obedient.

[F * ck! The host's boyfriend is amazing! How did this vulture fall into his hands so obediently? Could it be that he raised it!?]

[Oh, my god! Looking from afar, I don't think so. Looking closer, this vulture is really f*cking huge. It's comparable to a calf!!!]

[Speaking of which, the host's boyfriend is really amazing. He actually lifted up such a huge eagle with one hand!]

When the devilish brat was placed on the ground, he was already so scared that he could not walk anymore. He sat on the ground in a daze, his face deathly pale!

His parents also walked over tentatively. Then, they picked up the child and ran seven to eight meters away as if they were flying.

Seeing that the vulture still had no reaction, they started cursing excitedly!

"What are you doing at the exhibition? You didn't put any protective measures on these birds of Prey!"

"Compensation, compensation must be paid, and this vulture must be killed. All the birds of prey here deserve to die!!!!"

The staff was also helpless. After all, this was indeed a live accident. They could only comfort the other party, but in return, they were scolded even more harshly.

"You must compensate us for scaring my son to such a state. If you don't compensate me four to five million, I won't let any of you off!"

"And all the birds here must be killed, especially this vulture. Chop it into Mincemeat!"

"All of you staff members, you're all taking your salaries and not doing your jobs. You almost caused my son's accident. I'm going to sue all of you in court!"

Upon hearing these words, many passers-by around them revealed strange expressions.

Bingley directly stood out and said with a frown,

"It's you who violated the requirement that 1.2-meter-tall children are not allowed to enter the venue. Furthermore, you violated the rules of not feeding or attacking!"

"At the entrance, I also heard you say that you would look after your children. If anything happens, you will be responsible for it. Why are you now pushing the responsibility onto others?"

The parents of the devilish brat were instantly stunned when they saw Bingley. They immediately retorted with questions:

"Who are you? What has it got to do with you! ?"

"What do you mean by pushing the blame? My Son is still so young. How could he understand such logic!"

"I don't care. In any case, it's all your fault. These birds have to be killed as the price for my son being frightened!"

After hearing these words, Bingley did not have any reaction. He still maintained a faint smile.

However, from Elizabeth's perspective, this family of theirs was simply unreasonable.

"Firstly, if it weren't for my boyfriend, your son might not have returned. Therefore, it can be said that Bingley can be considered as your savior!"

"Secondly, no matter what, the animals that defend themselves after being injured are innocent. How can they make such an outrageous request?"

"Lastly, it's you who broke the rules and disrupted the order here. You deserve to be punished!"

After saying that, Elizabeth stood in front of the pair of parents and the devilish child in a huff.

However, as the old saying goes, just like a son, just like his parents. Upon seeing Elizabeth step forward to speak up for justice, the two parents shifted their anger onto her!


Before the shrew could even make a sound.

Bingley patted Elizabeth's shoulder and brought her behind him.

With a thought, he gave an order.

The vulture, which had been standing motionlessly on Bingley's arm, immediately spread its wings and bared its fangs and brandished its claws, as though it was about to fly over again and capture the other party.

This scene instantly frightened the surrounding passers-by and caused them to continuously retreat.

The devilish child, who had already had a shadow over the vulture, cried out once again.

His parents were similarly frightened to the point that their faces turned deathly pale. Not daring to argue with Bingley, they directly carried the child and fled as though they were fleeing.


Seeing the other party leave, Bingley let out a soft cry.

Instantly, the originally irritable vulture stopped its movements. With a flap of its wings, it quietly returned to the peaceful and peaceful appearance of the past, where nothing had happened.

Mm, not bad!

It seemed that the eagle-stewing arm was quite effective, to think that it was actually so obedient.

Seeing the vulture executing his orders perfectly, Bingley could not help but reveal a satisfied expression.

Meanwhile, the countless passersby around him widened their eyes.

In their eyes, this vulture was completely under the orders of this handsome man in front of them.

If it was a ferocious bird of prey, how could such a large one be so obedient?!

Moreover, this kind of bird of prey was extradited from the South American wild reserve to participate in the exhibition. It was impossible for it to be raised since it was young!

So in other words, this man had tamed this vulture in an instant!

It was simply unimaginable!!!

For a moment, countless people felt their minds go out of control. They stared blankly at the handsome smiling man in front of them, as well as the number one bird of prey in the world, the Andean condor, that stood on his arm like an obedient baby!

This scene also shocked the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Oh, my god, there's such an operation? Why does this thing listen to the host's boyfriend's words so much?]

[Could it be that this vulture is a female? Attracted by the host's boyfriend's handsome face, she immediately fell for it?!]

[Uh... to be honest, what you said is not unreasonable. If I were a vulture, I might also eat the host's boyfriend's face!]