The Host’s Thanks, the Pet’s Peripheral Plan!

Bingley's control over the Andean condor was almost like the command of his arm. It was to the point of perfection!

This wondrous operation caused the surrounding passers-by and staff members to be endlessly amazed. They stared blankly at Bingley for a moment before losing their minds.


Perhaps it was because the Andean was the same as itself, standing on its master's shoulder and arm, so the little white dragon was clearly a little displeased. It bared its teeth and howled at the vulture.

The white dragon's innate superior aura caused the Andean condor to feel fear. It wanted to escape but did not dare. Its legs could only slowly move toward the end of Bingley's arms.

Bingley did not know whether to laugh or cry when he saw this scene.

"All right, go back, vulture. Stay where you are!"

Instantly, the Andean condor spread its wings like a decree of Amnesty and flew back to its display position.

Even after returning to its own spot, the vulture still looked back at Bingley with a hint of reluctance in its eyes as if it had already regarded Bingley as its master.


Due to the tourists' non-compliance with the rules, the Andean condor's sudden attack had almost caused a disaster, which Bingley finally settled.

In order to express their gratitude, the organizers of the bird-watching exhibition directly invited Bingley to the office to express their gratitude in person.

Furthermore, they were even more shocked when they heard that the ferocious Andean condor was as obedient as a well-behaved baby in the young man's hands.

In a luxuriously decorated office with a large number of precious literary toys.

"Oh! Dear Mr. Bingley, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid the consequences would be unimaginable!"

A middle-aged man with a big belly spoke first. Beside him was a companion with a hooked nose. These two people were the two most powerful people in the organizers.

Alan Hebron and William Thomas. The fat middle-aged man was Hebron, and the hooked nose was Thomas.

The two of them were not only the main managers of the Expo.

They were also very influential business tycoons even in London.

Thomas, who had a hooked nose, poured a pot of earl black tea for Bingley and said gratefully, "Dear Mr. Bingley, you really solved a big problem for us. Thank you so much!"

"In return, if you have any gift that you want, please tell us..."

After taking a sip of the black tea, Bingley shook his head.

"Saving people is only because I happened to see it. I didn't do it to get something, so I don't need you to repay me."

Hebron quickly said, "Mr. Bingley is a noble and upright person. We know that you didn't save people to repay us, but we still have to repay you!"

After saying that, Hebron and Thomas looked at each other, and their tears instantly flashed.

"How about this, Mr. Bingley? I see that the pet beside you is quite strange. It just so happens that we have a business channel recently!"

"Why don't we make a culture-related product for your pet, such as postcards, canvas bags, badges, or mugs!"

"With Your Pet's handsome appearance, extraordinary temperament, and our commercial promotion, once the product is launched, I'm sure it will be very popular!"

In fact, Hebron and Thomas had already noticed the little white dragon beside Bingley long ago.

With its snow-white appearance, strange appearance, and domineering aura, there was also a hint of cuteness in it.

Having a keen sense of business all year round, the two immediately saw a business opportunity.

Therefore, inviting Bingley over was not only a thank you, but also a small purpose.

Nowadays, the cultural industry was especially loved by the younger generation of users. This little white dragon that shone at the exhibition would definitely become a new pet star according to the current taste of people!

Coincidentally, they could also use this bird-watching exhibition to build a wave of popularity and lay the foundation for further promotion.

Hearing Thomas' suggestion, Bingley's eyes immediately lit up.

Around Pets?

Actually, money was not important.

The main thing was that if this cooperation was successful, it might give the little white dragon a wave of good popularity.

Moreover, it was very likely that the system would be activated again, triggering some hidden missions to give out rewards!

Moreover, the little white dragon was lively and could not be idle, so it was not impossible to find something for it to do...

"I'm a little interested in your proposal. Continue, how do you want to split the profits of the cooperation? And how do you want to promote it specifically!"

Hearing that Bingley was also interested in this matter, Thomas and Hebron were inwardly delighted. They quickly began a detailed discussion, and also told them the preliminary plan.

"First of all, Mr. Bingley, your pet is indeed very unique. Its appearance and looks are impeccable. The market will definitely welcome such a surrounding. We are still very confident in this!"

Hearing this, Bingley smiled faintly. He was very confident in the little white dragon's looks. It was extremely good at fighting!

When it was handsome, it was handsome. When it was cute, it was cute.

Especially as a high-end creature like a dragon, it could always bring a different kind of attraction to people.

"We plan to launch three types of surrounding areas to test the market. Postcards, canvas bags, badges, and so on!"

"If the results are good, then we can increase the promotion. For example, we can hire some studios to create comics based on your pets, or even anime, movies, and so on!"

"We'll take care of all the upfront investments. Mr. Bingley doesn't have to pay a single cent. As for the profits, the group will take 30% , we'll take 10% each, and you'll take the other 50% . What do you think?"