My Body Wants To Be Touched By You, King Louis

Moments before.

Rima looked uneasy at that time. Her mind was thinking more about Helena and King Louis.

Thinking about it, is it possible that Helena will obey her orders?

"No! She certainly wouldn't. That girl is very stubborn, and there's no way she'd want to obey. What should I do if she doesn't want to give it to King Louis?" Rima was standing in a large room.

The place where the royal servants gathered, but this time there was the only her.

"I have to have a second plan. Otherwise, if she won't use it. Well... I have to do something." Rima said, and immediately she quickened her footsteps go to the royal kitchen room.

The royal chefs were not too surprised when Rima had just arrived. Because Rima often comes to check the food that is prepared by royal members, especially for King Louis Aarez.

"Hey... Rima..." A man with a stocky build, wearing a very tall white chef's hat.

"Is there a change of food, or King Louis wants something made." He said and walked closer to Rima, with his hand holding the pot. That was still filled, with freshly cooked food.

"Careful, Dave..! It's really hot, isn't it?" Rima stepped back a little while still visible puffs of smoke coming out of the pot brought by the royal head chef.

"This? Ah... you'll be addicted if you try it. It's the best salmon meat and full of nutrition for King Louis. I heard tonight... he will be with his youngest empress." Dave said with a grin and carefully put the pot down.

"Yes, you're right. Therefore I have to make sure that King Louis gets nutritious food. We hope there is a descendant of King Aarez who can bring happiness to this country." Rima said with a view that still pays attention to the surrounding conditions.

"If it's about that, take it easy, Rima. I have some hope like you so that Aarez has a queen."

"Just so you know... the prophecy spreads quickly. I'm afraid if..." Dave continued his approach.

Rima showed her disapproving look,

"Dave... I remind you. We don't have to talk about it. Better if we pretend not to know. Are you understand?" Rima said firmly, and Dave nodded quickly.

"I'm sorry, Rima. I'm just... afraid if the prophecy happens." Say Dave in a low voice, almost whispering even by watching those movies.

"Alright, Dave, when the King and Empress Loui's dinner is over. Please help me, let me take it myself." Rima said, with an idea already in his mind.

"Just a moment, you won't have to wait long," Dave replied with a wide grin.

"Ehh... I hope this all goes well. If Empress Helena doesn't want to use it, then there's no other way, but I will pour it myself into food and drink for King Louis." Rima thought with an uneasy feeling.


King Louis Bedroom.

Louis was satisfied enough to see Helena, who had already finished her dinner.

Unbeknownst to Helena, Louis had great suspicions.

Learn from his previous experience when he was with Dilara and Emira. The two sisters put medicine in the food and drink. Their planning to make Louis could sleep with them.

Of course, Louis managed to dodge, even though he had to endure with all his might his will as a normal man.

As a result, Dilara and Emira were unable to survive until one night, because Louis had kicked them out.

But there is still one more nuisance for Louis. The presence of Helena who is still in his room.

After a short dinner, the two of them shifted slightly towards the prayer place that had been provided in the king's room.

The two of them sat cross-legged and side by side, closing their eyes while saying prayers for Queen Revania. But there was something different about Helena's attitude at that time.

She sat restlessly feeling something uncomfortable starting to eat away at her body.

"What's wrong with me? It feels so... hot..? And ah... what is this... what is this feeling." Helena said slurring incoherently. She opened her eyes and turned to King Louis.

The king still closed his eyes.

And Helena look at to Louis's lips moved. She won't know what other prayer he was saying, but why did it make Helena not stop looking at the side of Louis's face that looked dazzling.

"This smell... this smell... the body smell of King Louis. How can I smell it so clearly, and why am I so... ah... ah... ah..."

Helena's breath suddenly hitched. Panting, it was the first time she felt a tremendous heat sensation on her body.

Helena bit her lower lip hard because she kept feeling very passionate even if she just looked at Louis' face or smelled the King's scent body.

"This is crazy! What's wrong with me? Why do I want to be with ... Damn ..! Helena, what are you thinking? Why I looked so perverted, shouldn't I pray for Queen Revania!" Helena muttered with her breath sound strange. And she started to squirm as she stepped back.

Helena's breath, which was still out of breath, finally made King Louis realize and opened his eyes quickly.

He looked at Helena with a bright red face, and that wasn't all. As Helena began to open the top of her shirt, revealing her almost bare chest.

"Helena! What are you doing? It's rude if you try to tease me while we are praying for Queen Revania." Louis had risen from sitting on his knees. He kept his distance from Helena's attitude, which began to wriggle.

"King Louis, I'm sorry. But, it's so hot."

"I... I don't know? Help me please, King Louis. My body wants to be touched by you, King Louis! ah ... what just I said." Helena said in disbelief, with what she had said to King Aarez.

"You..? so the medicine was in my dinner? Unbelievable, are you stupid? Trying to frame me, but you're the one who ate that useless medicine yourself!" cursed Louis in annoyance as she removed her wide robe.

Helena's hand began to stretch towards the King, a hill of sweat began to appear on her face.

"King Louis... help me... it feels so bad... ah... ah... ah... I don't know if I can hold it in..." Helena held back her turbulent desire.

Even Helena bit her lip so hard that she didn't realize that she had hurt her lips. There was fresh blood flowing past her lips. At that time, she got up from her seat and immediately ran towards King Louis.

"Stop, right there! And don't you dare touch me!" said a scared Louis when Helena ignored his words and kept running towards him.

Let's say Helena just lost her logic when she approached Louis and kissed Louis on the lips.

Of course, the King was surprised with his eyes widening quickly to see how passionately Helena to scooping his lips.