Angry Louis Aarez! Have you gone crazy, Helena?

Andrian approached Louis' ear as he whispered something only Louis could hear.

"Seeing it makes me remember young Revania. They both look similar. Did you know it was Louis?" He said with a sly grin.

Louis' gaze became increasingly vicious at the man in front of him, but the man's grin grew wider and not afraid of the King.

"Come on… Louis. You look like you need a picnic. Why do you look so gloomy?" Said Andrian and patted Louis on the shoulder without feeling guilty at all.

Even Helena, who saw it was shocked, and couldn't believe that the man was so brave.

"Andrian? I think I've heard that name before?" Helena muttered, remembering,

"Ah… he is a confidant of King Louis, a best friend of Queen Revania and King Louis. It's the first time I've seen him. Harika once said If he's the only person the King trusts."

Helena dared to look closely at Andrian, a man who was the same height as Louis. Proportionate posture, sweet face with jet black hair. When Helena was looking at Andrian, the man noticed Helena's gaze.

"Empress Helena, don't look up to me like that. I'm handsome, aren't I?" He said smugly, and Louis just snorted in annoyance.

"Oh... Andrian! Don't talk too much. I want to know the results of your search, at the same time I want to test. Is your smart brain still useful?" Louis pouted, and he walked past Andrian to sit on the long sofa.

Andrian also turned his body quickly, and he followed Louis' footsteps.

"May I sit here, Your Highness?" he asked politely, as he bowed slightly. Andrian's attitude is already much different. It seemed that he knew very well what boundaries he could and could not cross.

"Just sit down and don't disappoint me," Louis replied as he took his teacup.

Helena only took a few steps, kept a safe distance, and didn't dare to sit next to the King.

"It's better if I just stay here." Helena thought, who was already standing straight.

"So who did it? Who put the drug into the food. It can't be Dilara or Emira, right?" asked Louis, who had put down his teacup.

"What? It turns out that Louis still wants to find out about what happened last night?" Helena's mind returned, and this time she had an ominous feeling.

"Of course I know. Surely you will be surprised by my findings," Andrian replied, bragging about himself again. He sat down with a smug face, then clapped loudly.

Helena was still watching silently, wondering what exactly was Andrian doing?

The door of the King's room opened again. A palace guard came in with a woman who Helena had hit.

"Ri… Rima? Why is she here?" asked Helena spontaneously, and she knew things weren't going well.

Louis heard it and glanced at it with a cynical look.

"Rima? The royal butler, why did you bring her here?" Louis asked Adrian.

"Don't you want to know who did it, and she… she's the one who put the drug in your food and drink. Wait, did you eat your dinner last night? you haven't answered my question about it." Andrian is more interested in other topics of conversation, but Louis is reluctant to give any comments.

"I think I've already guessed," Andrian answered himself, with pursed his mouth.

"Rima, so you know about last night?" The few words that Louis had just said had scared Rima and panicked.

Rima, who had been standing, suddenly sat cross-legged with a lowered face.

Helena saw Rima's attitude felt empathy, and without thinking, she immediately approached her.

"Rima? What are you doing? Come on, you have to stand up straight?" said Helena, who held Rima's shoulders, trying to make the woman who was old enough to get up.

"Wow… even though I haven't said anything yet. Looks like things are going to get heated. King Louis, you have to be patient and wise, ok." Said Andrian as he made a fan from his hand, which he aimed at his face.

Louis was still silent, and as usual, he didn't immediately say any words. He looked at her with a sinister look, a look of disappointment on his face.

"So… this was all your idea, Rima? I was very disappointed, even though you caught Empress Dilara and Emira yourself. But, why did you use the same method?" asked the king.

Helena was more surprised to hear the king's words and looked back at Rima's face with a pair of teary eyes.

"Your Highness, this is indeed my fault." Rima didn't care about the attention given by Helena. She just fell to her knees, her hands were crossed on the floor, and she was bowing her head even more.

"I'm disappointed in you, Rima. You should be able to set a good example." Louis didn't show any pity at all.

The side of his jaw, getting even more firm. And Rima didn't want to hold her head up yet. It seemed like she still hoped for forgiveness from the King.

"Your Highness, I did all this because I wanted the best for you and this country. Likewise with Queen Revania, don't you want to make Queen Revania calm?" Rika said in a hoarse voice.

Helena couldn't tell if the butler was crying or not.


Louis shouted, and he got up from his seat. Andrian was even surprised to see the change in the King's attitude.

"Louis, calm down. We can have a good talk about this." Said Adrian trying to calm Louis.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," said Rima in a voice that trembled even more.

Helena was silent. The first time she had seen King Louis' anger. Her hands were clenched tightly because he couldn't bear to see Rima who was scared at this time.

"What should I do?" Helena thought nervously.

"Don't you think you are close to Queen Revania, then I will let all the mistakes you have done just like that? No ..! I will not let you escape from punishment." Louis said, and he approached Rima.

The butler straightened his face slightly, seeing the king's pair of black shoes which made her feel even more frightened.

Helena looked alternately between the king and Rima.

"Come on, Helena. Think..! You have to do something, but what ..?" Helena thought, getting more and more restless.

"I have to punish you, Rima. So that all those who work in the palace don't have this kind of reckless attitude." Louis continued with his vile gaze, and Rima could only remain silent.

"Your Highness," Helena exclaimed suddenly. And she managed to make everyone in the room staring at her curiously?

Or, just think..., have you gone crazy, Helena?