Berserk Thunder Bear

"The cave where the Berserk Thunder Bear lives should be around here."

"The dragon mercenary group has already caused a lot of damage to the bear. Now, it should be resting in its own habitat."

Copperfield shuttled through the forest. He could clearly feel that the surrounding trees were becoming increasingly sparse.

According to Clyde, the cave of the bear was at the foot of the mountain east of Thunder Cliff.

Suddenly, Copperfield stopped.

He saw many scratches on the thick trees around him.

The frequency of the scratches increased as he went deeper into the forest.

If Copperfield was right...

Then the cave of the bear was right in front of him!

Copperfield softened his footsteps and hid his body behind the trees as he quietly groped forward.

Nameless the Knight followed closely behind him.

The scratches on the trees became more and more common. One could even see some trees that had been broken at the trunk due to the scratches.

There were also some broken animal bones scattered on the ground. The terrifying bite marks on them all revealed the terrifying strength of the bear.

After turning around a hill, a cave that emitted a fishy stench appeared before Copperfield's eyes.

There were even some corpses of magical beasts that had yet to be eaten around the cave.

Copperfield became even more cautious. After all, his opponent this time was a magical beast that was at the peak of tier 3. If it had not been injured, he would not have made the Berserk Thunder Bear his primary target.

Copperfield summoned Elegy. The light blue soul power flowing on it could be used as a simple torch.

After walking about a hundred meters along the cave, Copperfield finally saw his prey.

The Berserk Thunder Bear's huge body lay on the ground. As it breathed, the wound on its abdomen appeared exceptionally ferocious and terrifying.

Copperfield walked over carefully, while Nameless followed closely behind him.

They did not make a single sound.

Even when they came before the Berserk Thunder Bear, this magical beast still did not notice anything.

Copperfield pulled out Soul Slayer from his back and held it tightly in his hand.

He raised his head and looked at Nameless, indicating that he was ready to make his move!

Immediately after, Nameless raised the long-handled axe in his hand and abruptly hacked towards the neck of the bear.

At the same time, Copperfield stabbed his sword towards the bear's heart.

When Soul Slayer stabbed down, an irresistibly great resistance could suddenly be felt.

Suddenly, Copperfield felt a tremendous resistance from the blade of the sword.

Soul Slayer was stuck in the Berserk Thunder Bear's bones!


A furious roar resounded throughout the cave, causing intense pain to one's eardrums.

Dust and gravel continuously fell from the top of the cave.

Copperfield took two steps back, while the bear in front of him rose up in anger.

Standing behind him, the Berserk Thunder Bear was nearly four meters tall. Lightning-type soul power was surging wildly on its claws.

Clearly, the bear was currently in a state of rage.

Copperfield looked up from the top of the bear's body. Shockingly, there was a gash on its neck. Fresh blood was continuously flowing out from the gash.

The strike of Nameless had broken through the defense of the Berserk Thunder Bear's neck.

Indeed, in the neck of most magical beasts, other than thick fur or scales, there were not many bones that could be used as a defense, unless the neck of this magical beast did not need to be moved.

Nameless took out his battle shield from his back and took up an offensive stance.

Copperfield saw this and slowly retreated, preparing to give the bear a fatal blow at the right time.

With Copperfield's current two-star low-tier strength, he was unable to withstand the Berserk Thunder Bear's attack when he was in an enraged state, even if the bear's neck was already broken and it was on the verge of death.

Actually, it was precisely because the Berserk Thunder Bear was on the verge of death that he only needed to get Nameless to delay the it for a period of time so that it could not escape. It would not be long before the bear would be exhausted to death in this nest.

A moment later.


The sound of a sharp weapon cutting through flesh rang out. The tip of Soul Slayer pierced through the Berserk Thunder Bear's abdomen. There was no protection from the bones here, so it was the place where the bear's defense was the weakest.

The Berserk Thunder Bear's heavy body fell to the ground. The ground trembled, stirring up a layer of dust.

Copperfield waved his hand, sweeping away the dust in front of him.

He raised his sword and stabbed the bear's neck a few more times, confirming that it was completely dead.

This battle did not seem too difficult.

The first bear was already injured in the previous battle with the dragon mercenary group.

The second bear was found sleeping, giving Copperfield the chance to launch a sneak attack.

This third bear now was killed had the help of Nameless.

Even so, after the battle had ended, Nameless' shield was covered with countless shocking scratches.

Copperfield bent down and sliced open the thick fur near the bear's chest.

A magical crystal that was flickering with lightning-type soul power was instantly exposed in the air.

The energy contained within this magic crystal was more than ten times that of the tier 2 Magical Crystal Copperfield had obtained previously.

Without further ado, Copperfield took the magic crystal and placed the Berserk Thunder Bear's sharp claws and other useful materials into his soul ring.

After leaving the cave, Copperfield prepared to head to the forest to absorb the soul power contained within the magical crystal. The foul stench emanating from the cave was truly unbearable.

Once inside the forest, Copperfield sat down cross-legged.

He took out the tier 3 magical crystal he had obtained from the Berserk Thunder Bear and the tier 2 Ice Snake Magical Crystal he had obtained from the outskirts of Maka Town.

Copperfield first placed the Ice Snake Magical Crystal in front of him. He extended his soul power, channeling it into the necklace.


The mana crystal that had completely depleted its energy shattered, falling onto the grass in front of him.

As for the energy within the necklace, it had increased by less than 1%.

Copperfield frowned. The amount of energy required to replenish the necklace was indeed not small.

Next was the Berserk Thunder Bear's magical crystal.

A moment later.

The time required to absorb the bear's magical crystal was much longer than expected.

After the absorption was completed, the energy in the necklace increased by about 3%.

At present, the total energy in the necklace was only about 10%.

Fortunately, the energy required to wear the necklace was not much. 10% was enough to support Copperfield's energy consumption for a month.

However, it seemed that it was necessary to find the Heart of Lava.

After walking out of the forest, Nameless turned into dust and disappeared.

The sound of a piano could be heard.

Copperfield quickly rushed to the volcanic region at midnight.