The Volcanic Region

Midnight continued to run along in the mountain range. The black smoke left an afterimage behind him.

The scenery around Copperfield kept changing. He had underestimated Midnight's full speed.

As Midnight ran, the surrounding vegetation became less and less. The originally green grass had disappeared.

What replaced it was a burning sensation.

Copperfield raised his head and looked ahead.

The grass beneath his feet was replaced by black-gray volcanic rocks. The trees that could be seen everywhere in the dense forest had all disappeared.

In front of him was a forest of giant rocks. The rocks were covered with a thick layer of lava condensation. At a glance, there were several towering mountains in the distance. That was an active volcanic region.

The volcanic region of the mountain range had been active for thousands of years. Dark red lava was constantly spewing out from the crater of the volcano amidst the rolling black rocks. The rocks nearby were burnt red and filled with cracks.

This place was called the Forbidden Zone of Life not only because of the extremely high temperature but also due to the thick volcanic ash produced by the continuous activity of the volcano. It contained a huge amount of fire poison gas, filling the entire volcanic region.

Copperfield stopped before entering the volcanic region and waved his hand, causing Midnight to turn into black smoke and dissipate.

He looked at the billowing black dust rising into the sky from the volcanic region in front of him and frowned.

This black smoke was filled with poisonous gas. If he were to rashly enter now and accidentally let the fire-type poison enter his body, it would be difficult to deal with.

"I remember that there is a fire-type spirit grass around the volcanic region of the mountain range. It can prevent the corrosion of the fire-type poison gas."

That type of spiritual herb seemed to be known as Clover Grass. It grew in areas with dense fire-type soul power and was rooted in hard lava.

The effects of Clover Grass were extremely simple and direct. After grinding the grass seeds into powder and smearing it on the inside of the nose, it could filter the fire-type poison aura that was carried within the breath, turning it into pure fire-type energy.

Although the powder of the clover was sold in the magical potion shop in Maka Town, Copperfield had never thought that he would need to enter the volcanic region before coming here.

The majority of the magical beasts that were active in the volcanic region were at least at tier 2. Even if Copperfield wasn't afraid of the magical beasts that were traveling alone, if he were to accidentally encounter a horde of magical beasts, he would have no choice but to avoid them.

After Copperfield had broken through to two-star, his soul power level had reached the mid-tier of two-star power after a long period of training. In addition, the few magic crystals he had obtained after defeating the Wind Magic Wolf Pack had long since been absorbed by him, recently, his soul power had faintly shown signs of breaking through to the high-tier.

However, Copperfield didn't absorb the soul power contained within the Berserk Thunder Bear magical crystals. However, there wasn't much difference.

After ascending a star, the three stages were actually the purification and compression of one's current star soul power. Under the same soul power capacity, one's soul power capacity would become purer, increasing one's combat ability.

Therefore, Copperfield wasn't anxious about the purity of his soul power here. Under his cultivation, the compression and purification of his soul power would become even more effective.

Speaking of which, he was finding the clover grass.

Copperfield rubbed his forehead. This area of a hundred miles was the border of the volcanic region. This time, without the help of the dragon mercenary group, finding the clover could only depend on luck.

Fortunately, as creatures from hell, Nameless and Midnight weren't afraid of the corrosion of the fire-type poison. Therefore, Copperfield could summon Nameless and let him search for places with dense fire-type energy with him.

The harmonica sounded and Nameless stood beside Copperfield.

At this time, the scratches on Nameless' Battle Shield had disappeared. Every time a creature disappeared, the battle marks on the summoned creature would also disappear.

Copperfield had done an experiment when he was still in the jungle a day ago.

In the previous battle, Nameless' Battle Shield and armor had been damaged to varying degrees by the Berserk Thunder Bear's last counterattack.

Copperfield attempted to summon Nameless again after dismissing him.

Within a short period of time, the wounds on the body of the nameless knight had completely disappeared. According to Copperfield's judgment, Midnight and Nameless summoned were not truly living creatures. They were more like energy bodies formed from Pure Hell Energy, and although they had a physical body, they were not living creatures from nature.

Unfortunately, after dismissing Nameless, even if the weapon of Nameless was not in his hands, it would also disappear together with Nameless into black smoke. Copperfield's idea of selling Nameless's weapon to make money was dispelled.

Copperfield could not be blamed for thinking this way. After all, after he and Terrence parted ways, his teacher had left him with nothing in his soul ring.

After he left the mountain range, it would be really difficult for him to move around without money. Therefore, Copperfield planned to leave some magical crystals to sell to merchants in the town. Even if it did not earn him much, it would at least be enough for his daily expenses.

The only thing that gave Copperfield a headache was that after he had stepped into two-star power, he needed a large number of resources for cultivation. Now, he could only take things one step at a time.

After retracting his thoughts, Copperfield brought Nameless out and strolled around the mountain range.

Along the way, they could hunt some magical beasts and collect some materials needed for cultivation.

A moment later, in front of a cave.

Copperfield looked at the cave that was constantly emitting fire-type soul power. He thought that it couldn't be such a coincidence. Just as he was about to search for the fire clover grass, he found this cave.

After hesitating for a moment, Copperfield dismissed Nameless.

If there were powerful magical beasts in the cave, bringing Nameless along would cause a lot of inconveniences. Take the black armor for example. The marks it left while walking on this rock would make it impossible to hide his tracks.

Copperfield took out a spare piece of clothing from his soul ring. He tore it into strips and tied them to the bottom of his shoes. Only then did he carefully walk into the cave.


After entering the cave, he realized the light inside was not as dim as he had expected.

The walls of the cave were inlaid with many red crystals that emitted a faint fluorescent light. These crystals were natural products of the cave. Although they did not have any soul power undulations, they looked extremely exquisite. In the eyes of the wealthy, they might be rare ornaments.

However, Copperfield was not interested in these things. He continued to walk into the cave. There did not seem to be any other magical beasts in the cave. Other than the faint sound of footsteps, there were no other movements.

After passing through the long cave, two passages appeared in front of Copperfield.