I hate you

Abhi pov

my life is fucked up and i really don't know. what should i do. this is the day i want to erase from my life. if i am able to make right. if i am able to pacify her , if she able to forgive me but i know she wont i know she hate me so much but i cant do any thing i just love her.

and whatever the region i cant hate her. its her birthday i want to make her happy even if she cant

forgive me she should be happy.

when i went to see her this morning i show her crying. and it break my heart into thousand of pieces this is the last thing i want. today to see her crying i know i cant do anything to pacify her i left from there . because i don't want this i just want to see her smile like old days.

i show her coming downstairs' as always she is talking to her self. i stop her by holding her hand. and again i see hate for my self but.. its not about me i should control my self as always she try to jerk my hand but not today.

" let me go...." she try's to jerk my hand again.

" where are you taking me.. .. let me go " i take her to empty class room because i don't want any one to see us to talking together.

" why do you bring me here" she ask.

Sanjana pov

he bring me in empty class room move his hand towards a desk. there is a cake in that desk and happy birthday written in

that cake . and said to me

" happy birthday baby"

" Sanjana, happy birthday baby "

Abhi pov

i wish her happy birthday. she smile and move to towards cake. i also smile see her like this but... very next she thro the cake and look at me through burring eye her eye turn red because of anger i know she is very angry.

" you know.. i hate this day.." tears start on flowing form her eye " and more than i hate you" tears flowing from her eye

" you are the last person.... in the world whom i want to see today " she try to suppress her tears by biting her lower lip " you

know it very well that i hate this day i hate this day there is nothing happy in this day cant you see."

and she run out of class i want to stop her and go behind her because what ever happen today it shows clearly she wont forgive me but i cant leave her like this she is everything to me i run behind her.

Sanjana pov

what he think about him self i hate him the most in the world most he is only part of my past whom i want to forget.

why this is happening i just hate this day and every single person who connect to this day.

i am running in corridor.. i just wont to go home if its not important i wont come today i miss you so much mom why you leave me.

i wipe my tears but nothing seems to work. my tears continuously flowing from my eye i am running in corridor

when i bump into someone i dint see him and said " sorry" and again try to move when he suddenly hold my hand i lock up and my tears again start on flowing.

Raj pov

when i am coming from toilet i see her coming towards me and i start smiling..... ahh why i am behaving like love sick puppy but i don't think she see me and bump into me. and tears continually flowing from her eye but what happen to her again when i leave her she was okay but know why she is again crying.

" sorry " she said to me and try to move how can i let her go like this.

" what happen to you baby girls ? why are you crying again " i cup her face in my hands why she is crying i cant see her crying. her tears have no bound she continuously fading her tears.

" okay okay stop crying... and tell me what happen to you? did any one bully you what happened tell me "

she dint said anything just looking at me. her eye showing she was in pain. so much pain.

" its ok if you don't want to talk … just stope crying " she is looking at me and next moment she

she hug me tightly and slowly she start getting normal. i am consoling her when my eye fall in the same direction from where she is coming. a boy coming from that direction he is glaring me i fist my palm and suddenly anger raising to see him coming did he try to any thing with her did he bully her.

Sanjana pov

i hug him i don't know why i did that but this time i am not in my right state of mind i am hugging him but suddenly i feel is gripe loosing from me. i see his muscles tightening around me what happen to him he loose his grip from me and look towards that direction where he is looking but before i could say something. i heard i voce its Abhi.

Abhi ask " what are you doing " he give me deadly glare and that authoritative look " and why he is close to you" now he

looking towards raj.

" did he bully you are you crying because of him " before i could say raj ask to me.

" who are you " Abhi said coming towards us.