
" did he bully you are you crying because of him " before i could say raj ask to me.

" who are you " Abhi said coming towards us.

me and raj both looking towards Abhi and he is giving deadly glare to to raj.

" Abhi go from here " i said to to Abhi i don't want any more trouble. before i could say any thing Raj

hold my hand. i to try to take my hand but he dint budge my hand what happen to this man we just met today

and he is behaving like he knows me from years what's wrong with this man god please make this

day end please i don't want any more now i pray to god.

Abhi pov,

" who are you " i ask to this man i dint see him before i know Sanjana very well i don't see her him with.

" Abhi go from here " its Sanjana how can she talk with me like this specially for a stranger and leave anything. why that fucking guy hold my Sanjana hand and how she can let him hold her hand.

" leave her hand or else i break your hand " i said.

" try it " he said.

Raj pov

this man really threating me who the hell he is first he made my girl cry. i was holding her

hand and he is glaring towards our hand but next she took her hand back and said

" Abhi please leave " its looks like she know him.

" do you know him " Abhi ask her i dint said anything i let he talk if he said anything wrong i will not leave him.

" its non of your business.. " " please go from here " She said to him it looks like she dint like this guy.

" are you out of mind " Abhi looks towards me " i am not going to leave with this stranger " he hold Sanjana hand and said " your coming with me ". how dare he no buddy can force my girl. before i could she jerk her hand.

Sanjana pov,

i jerk Abhi hand i don't want to see this man but i don't have any choice .

" i can take care my self " i said to Abhi. from last two years i am taking care of my self i don't need any buddy. why dint he understand .

and Abhi again try to hold my hand but before that Raj come in front me

said " dint you hear what she said " " so move" truly i dint need his help i can take care of my self i know he never harm me.

" Sanjana your coming with me " Abhi said

" i already told you i can take care of my self. your no one to me so you are not ordering me " i said to him this man never going to change.

him why dint he understand that i want to stay away from me

" Sanjana you know very well i am not going to leave you with this bustard "

before i could say anything raj said.

" how dare you " .

looks like this two boys can fight any moment and right now i don't want to we part of there fight.

" bye " i said. because i now very well Abhi leave this moment so should leave any way i don't want to any of them.

Raj pov

she left form here i am still looking at that direction where she run i wont to go behind her but i stop by that man

" stay away from her " he said to me more like a waring giving me deadly glare.

" and who are you to tall me this " i said to him i really don't care whom he to her but

its looks like he made her cry so much.

but know i like her so i don't let any body hurt her.

" i know her very well. she is not like other girls so i am telling you stay away from her " he said.

" i think she can take her own decision . or if she need your help she can ask but its looks like she just wont to stay away from you ." i said to him " so you better respect her choice "

what ever i said to him its not like i am waring him i said every think calmly i don't want to fight with him i just don't any problem in first day.

he actually left and dint said any thing its not like i cant fight but i think she is strong enough to

fight for her self . so i move towards my car.

Abhi pov

i don't want to fight today this day very hard for me as well. i just wont to go home i just want everything like before like we used to celebrated everything. like she used to trust me. like she dint go without me anywhere. but i know nothing is like before i just hope she can forgive me and i also know she is not like ordinary girl who easily fooled by boys or fall in for them she is smart enough to understand boys all trick so i don't have to vary for her not at least in this matter.

Sanjana pov

i try to call Suhani many time. i just trying last time if she dint pick my call i will her. i am

angary from her because of her i have to came college today

" you bitch where the hell are you " i shout as soon as call connected she is my best friend so we dint formally.

" sorry baby just 2 min i almost reach at front gate. where are you tell me " she said . she know i cant get angary from her for long

" okay come quickly i am in compound near first tree"

" okay " and she cut the call. suddenly a voice come from behind

" do you need a ride " i turn its him its raj. please not again . i should ignore him so i behave like i dint see him i look towards other direction.