Mr. annoying

Raj pov

she is standing there form last 5 min. and looks like she is cursing somebody in phone i went to

her ask

" do you need a ride " i ask her, but she ignore me like she dint she me i move and stand in front of

her if she want to behave like this and pretends like she really dint hear me so i ask her again,

" hey baby girl do you need ride " she looks me with cold face.

" first thing i am not a baby so don't call me baby. and second , no i don't need ride " her

face is emotionless " thank you for asking " she said to me indifferently. i am looking into her eye

but our moment break because

before i could say anything we hear horn, we looks towards the direction of sound and

found a girl.

she standing in front of us with her red color motor vehicle she park her vehicle there

and come to us and she put a box in front of my girl. her back is facing me and she said

"sorry for being late " that girl just ignore me. like i am not even there but seeing her my girl

smile and this is not a fake smile its real one. that smile reaching to her eye. her eye were sinning.

now when she finally smiling and her small hair coming in her face, which she repeatedly

tugging behind her ear.

Sanjana pov

i refuse him politely for his help he try to say something but before that Suhani came.

Suhani my best friend. she is always there for me and let me feel alone. she always take care of me and never complain about anything. when i am with her i don't have to pretend anything i cant just happy.

she bring me gift. she is one of those people who new today is birthday.

" dint we talk about this. that i don't need any thing" i said to her.

" see i respect your choice .. that you don't want to celebrate but you should understand that as

friend i have some duty." Suhani said to me with puppy eye.

"i don't need this " i said to her. knowing very well that she wont listen.

"if don't you take this i wont talk to you " she said to me. she annoying me now she always threaten me this trick's.

ahh if we are taking about how about i forget about raj he still standing behind Suhani

sneaking me.

"okay i take this but please now no more surprise please" i said to Suhani and taking her i try move from there.

" hey.. at least tell me your name before going, or else your semester" its raj.

but how can Mr. annoying (raj) let me go he has to easily he has to say something. Suhani turn

towards raj hold my hand possessively and said aggressively

" she is my friend and she dint like talking to strangers " she looks towards me again looking to raj " and she is not entrusted in boys". my eye wide open. i should be happy because this is best part of Suhani she never let any unwanted person near me.

next second she hold my hand and said to me

" lets go baby" i sit behind her and she start driving. and i am sneakily looks towards Mr. annoying

" who is that " Suhani ask.

" i... don't know " i said.

" you know that you cant lie, and you looking at him weirdly "

" what do you mean" i know she knows me very well but i technically dint lie to her i really dint know him.

" i don't know, you... never look any boy that way. " Suhani said.

" okay whatever, i don't want to talk about that "

"did something happen" Suhani ask

" nothing happen " now i loosing my temper .

" okay as you say, tell me what you want eat, how about Manchurian or pizza "

" whatever you like " good thing about Suhani she understands me and dint ask many question.

Raj pov

she again left , i don't know when ever i try to talk to her someone come and take away her from me. what can i do

in a full day i even dint get a chance to know her name.

i am going home but my lips curve into a smile which not leaving my face her face still coming in front of my eye. and those moment when she was in my hands when i touch her , feel her.

you baby girl know i make you happy and never let you cry because of anyone. i promise to my self

but i don't know anything about her not even her name.

know i am thinking why i get late to come college, may be i come early she would be with me. but its ok she is mine. know i find her i wont let any one come between us.

suddenly my phone ring

" hello mom" its my mom.

" how are you son, what are you doing beta "

" i just come home mom just parking my baby" i park my car and move towards my villa its not big as our original home but it is nice and quite i like it.

" have you taken lunch " " and how was is your college, do you like it". she ask.

my caring mom

" i just have breakfast in the morning and i will take lunch after getting fresh so don't wary mom" i pause for second " and i love this college its very beautiful " i am taking to mom but still thinking about my girl..

" really... son , " she pause " is there any girl" she ask.

" how do know " i blur out . how could she now no one know about it

" because my son sounds very happy and how can i forget about he dint complain about any thing , do you thing its normal"

mom she now me very well more than that my parents are more like friend to me.

" mom " i am blushing " when will you guys come to meet me " i try to change the topic

" don't change the topic" she scold me " tell me about her, what's her name "

how can i win in front of mom

" mom give me little time i will tell you ever thing but not know " i said to my mom anyway i am going to tell her but not now.

" okay but at least tell about her name"

her name