her name

Raj pov

her name, mom ask about,

her name what can say, even i don't know her name.

" hello raj, are you there " mom ask.

" yes mom " i said.

"so tell her name bacha " she said.

" mom... i don't know her name yet " i said in disappointing ton.

" what..... " i heard her laughing.

" mom are you laughing on your son " i said try showing my anger " its ok laugh, i don't want to talk to you any more" i said.

" aww my son don't be angary i am just teasing you don't be angary " she said lovingly.

" its ok i call you later " i said to mom write now i don't want to talk anyone.

" ok, go get fresh and have lunch "

" okay mom " "love you mom " i said to mom i miss her so much.

" love you two bacha" she said and cut the call.

i went to my room change in suit because i have to office to settle things. its just two days so i am familiar with office environment. but whatever i do my girl face not leaving my eye. i start missing her. what she doing, what's her name. ahh i should concentrate on my work.

Sanjana pov

i reach home, but it dint feel like home it just empty house. without mom its nothing. i move in my room hold my mom photo frame.

tears start on flowing from eye, i miss her so dam much. its been two years but nothing is change, i lie on bad hugging my nee, holding my mom photo. i don't know when sleep took over me.

its 5pm in the evening my phone ringing continuously, i open my eye and see its Suhani call

"hey "i said still sleepy.

" did you forget we have to go its Friday, your coming to my house we have to complete our task "

she said energetically.

" you mean manipulate your dad to let your work in his office, because you have crush on his office manager " i said to her. i now why she wonts to work.

"ha ha ha very funny now get up i will we there in 20 min " she said.

" baby i am very, sleepy can we go tomorrow " i said to her because i don't want to go anywhere.

" i am coming in 20 min " she refuse my pleading.

i get up from bad and move towards kitchen area. make coffee to my self. now i have to go i don't have any option. i know she just don't want to me to alone today.

after exact 20 min she came, start giving horn sound.

" i already saw you, why you have to make noise " i smack her hand in sit behind her. some time she annoys me so much.

" what you wearing " she said to me.

i am wearing black full sleeve top, and blue sorts , and black shows with high pony. but why she ask

" why " i ask little bit confused. " isn't my dress looks good" i ask.

" you know i am talking about your puffy eye which became red because of continuous cry " she said and

me give goggles.

i used makeup to hide it but she know. this the reason i don't want to go out, but i dint said any thing.

" you know i was thinking we should find a boyfriend for you and one for my self " she said. try to change topic.

" dint you already have two boyfriend " i said the fact " and you know i am not entrusted in any relationship " ​i said.

​" those are very boring and slow , " i smack her back and we chuckle " i want someone new and more handsome like... " she pause " some one like your morning guy " she said teasingly. i am sitting behind her so she cant she that my checks turn light shade of pink.

" he is not mine " i said controlling my mind, because from morning my mind still thinking about him. and i don't want that.

" so will you help me to get him " she said.

i don't know that answer, if she want she can get anyone because she is more beautiful than me. cute, cubby, sweet, caring, and rich totally like a girl that boys want. but i became sad hearing her.

" you don't need my help " i said sadly.

we reach her dad's office, his dad is very famous lawyer of city, and very good man. she talk to her father and for my surprise she talk for two vacancy one for her and one for me. i also need a job so i dint said anything that time.

her father is very nice person he said we can work in office after our class. and only 2- 4 hours a day and other work in weekends. when we come out of office she said to me.

" your staying in my place " she said to me leaving no place for negotiation.

" i already told you i will manage " i said to her she knows i am getting problem in staying there.

" don't say that, you know dad dint allow me to live alone, and if you want you can give me rent okay" she said.

" really " i ask knowing very well the answer.

" yes " she give me naughty smile and said " and don't wary i wont try on your man" and chuckle.

" shut up " i run behind her suppressing my smile