long weekend

Sanjana pov

i know life is not easy but i will fight, and i will never give up. i am sitting in new my apartment which i am going to share with Suhani. she is making dinner and i am cleaning my room truly i am not really entrusted in cleaning. i am very lazy i don't like doing anything. there is not much need of cleaning i just have to unpack my belonging. but i am already getting tired.

" hey Suhani, baby i am very tired, i don't wont to unpack " i sit in living room sofa and switch on the tv.

" why i are you so lazy baby " she said to with pouty lips.

Suhani pov

my bestfriend Sanjana she is best. i love her so much she is only friend who never judge me. who never took advantage of me and never say no to me. she is sweetheart but little complicated. we hardly talk about her past. i also don't wont to see her sad that is by i don't drags that topic.

but she is very lazy.

" hey lazy ass why don't we talk about morning.... like what have you done today". i know something definitely happen because she is very upset from morning. if i don't have work in the morning i never leave her today.

Sanjana pov

damm it! now she again want to talk about this. she is trying very hard to know about this.

" nothing " i said without looking in her eye, " you know what i think i.... should unpack staff". i very well know why she is asking again again.

" your not going anywhere please talk na yarr " she stopes me from going.

" there is nothing about talking " i said to her.

"so by are you so upset..... " ask me concern written on her face.

" nothing its just Abhi try talk to me " i said to her.

" what happen between you two " she said to me.

" nothing whatever happen its not related to him.." , " but after that incident i just have trust issue specially boys " i said matter of the fact.

" but you know that you just cant stuck in that time you have to move on, and give chance to your life"

" you think i am not trying ", " i am trying but the thing is that i cant, those nightmare still hunt me to no end " tears start flowing from my eye.

Suhani side hug me and wipe my tears.

" i know, but you should also know that your the strongest parson i know " she said.

i also hug her she is sweetheart.

" you know we found a man for you, who pamper you and love you more than anything and spoil you so much " she said kissing my check.

" but i think you love me so much and that is enough for " i said to her.

" aww yes i love you so much but baby we have needs and i am straight so i cant full fill your needs " she said to me laughing and hug me tightly.

" do you want to suffocate me by hugging" i said to smacking her and we both bust into laughter.

Raj pov

this seems to the longest weekend of my life. its not ending after two long nights in which sleep is far from my eye. the only moment i spend with her roaming in my mind. i am going crazy to see her. i need to see her smiling i am going crazy wherever i see i see her. in every person face i only see her face. even in my maids. yesterday. i hold my maids hand assuming her my girl. she was 52 year old, she is kind of nanny to me. her name is Nancy, she run away from my room. its so embarrassing i don't know what i am doing.

its still Sunday. still hole night, how will i live like that. from two days its like nightmare to me i just cant live like that.

i am still in my office. i am trying to concentrate in work this is the only way i can forget my girl for some time. i dint take rest in this weekend.

from last two day i was working like robot. but i am happy because its Monday tomorrow i can finally she her.

i am in my thought when i heard knock on the door.

" come in " i still looking in my file.

" sir your dad calling, because your not taking his call", " he said remind you to call him back" he is max my driver come bodyguard's.

" thanks max you can go and prepare car, i just coming in 5 min "

" okay sir" he left after that.

i also took my staff and went towards exit. where max is already waiting for me. i sit in car back seat. in the way i call dad after 3 rings dad pickup my call

" hello dad, how are you ", " sorry actually my phone is silent " i said to dad.

" its ok my son " he said lovingly " why dint you go home yet its already 8pm son"

" yes dad its just that maybe from tomorrow i dint get enough time because of college " i said as matter of the fact.

" yes about college i also hear something " i can here his chuckles.

" dad you to " i said feeling very embarrass. i also hear mom laughing from background when i told her about maid Nancy aunty she cant control her laughter. that is the reason i am not taking mom calls.

" okay, son we don't tease you anymore ", " just go home and have good rest and remember we all ways with you, and we miss you so much" said dad.

" i also miss you guys so much love you and bye", " good night , take care".

i cut the call and rest my head yes its finally over from morrow i can see her.