meeting again

Raj pov

from when i see her, my life became happy, everything seems to good and happy. yes its finally Monday again but last night i was waiting for morning so because of that i couldn't able to sleep properly.

I think i am becoming a love sick puppy. i know this thing is not easy. when i see her i knew she is the one but i also realize its not going to simple, i just feel that she is heart broken i wish i just heal her with my love.

Its 8am in the morning and i am trying to look good enough so she can easily notice me. i think i am being unreasonable but what should i do. she dint looks attracted by my charm.

I became crazy in just first meting what's going to happen in the future, i don't know i already try 3 shirts from the morning but i am still not satisfy.

again i look towards my cupboard and found blue shirt after wearing that, i apply perfume and bear my shows finally looking in the mirror i feel satisfy with my self.

its already 8'45 and i went to dinning table and have my breakfast. know i am going to college i reach college early. only than i can find a way to talk to her, because off course i don't know anything about her.

i park my car in parking area, i lean towards my car and waiting for my girl.

Sanjana pov

wake up sanju, your are going to late beta please wakeup,

" only 5min mom".

" your saying same thing from last half hour "

" mom please last five min, and you know morning sleep is very important"

" wake up or else i will through water on you "

suddenly i wakeup with jerk when i feel drench i rubbed my eye and find Suhani standing with water bottle. its my dream.

" get up sleepy head " she said.

" you bitch " i said to her angerly throwing pillow on her she grab my pillow and run out of my room. i pickup my mom photo frame and kiss her picture.

i see towards clock and find out its already 8'45 i quickly getup and run towards bathroom.

i quickly get ready, my hair is still dry but i don't have time and leave my room.

i took an apple and run to find my shoes.

" have your breakfast " Suhani said to me packing her staff.

" we are already late, lets go i take something in launch. " so run quickly " i said.

after that we quickly lock the house, and move towards Suhani moter bike. and went towards college good thing is that college is only 5min far from our house. bad thing is that her driving is very rough.

we almost reach college, but suddenly some one try to overtake in same direction because of that Suhani lost her balance and hit a car

" ohh god what have you done yarr " i said to her we both get panic.

she park the bike and we see a big scratch on a car. ahh we are done, now this car looks way to expensive.

" fuck man " i said loud enough that hole college can hear me ohh god its so embarrassing.

Raj pov

i was sitting in steps near entrance waiting for her from last 20min, but suddenly i hear boom sound, i move towards that direction where i see crowd. i went towards that direction and found my girl standing there.

she is bearing purple colour nee length flower print dress with white sneakers her hair were Messi, and open not even fully dry, she is putting light shade of coal in her eye and pink colour light Lipbam that revising her beauty, her long earing's moving slowly because of light wind. and those small hair coming in to her face making her more beautiful.

but why there is so much noise. my trance broken because of unwanted noise. then i look towards where every buddy looking.

" ohh god, that's my car " i said more like yell. there is big scratch in my car. ohh god who did that i move and touch my car.

" see we are sorry " i heard somebody its my girl's friend.

" what the fuck, " i again yell " do you even know how much it cost " i am looking at her angerly.

i am way to angary, this is my favorite car.

" hey we said sorry, we dint do this intentionally , don't yell on my friend " i look towards owner of the voice its my girl.

she looks angary. her nose became red, my anger start melting.

" if you want we can pay for damage " its her friend again(Suhani)

" you even know how much its cost " i said. most of the crowd already leave. i look towards my girl.

" tell me i will pay " my girl said.

" really " i said looking at her, my lips curve into slite simile.

" yes i can pay for its " its her friend.

" exactly who will going to pay " i ask.

" i...." both girl said in union.

" cool its just 1 million " i said smriking towards my girl.

my girl eye get wide as soon as i said price and her friend almost fell.

" hey man its to much " its her friend said holding my girl's hand.

" you have only one day give me my money or else i will complain " i said snatching my girl phone. she try to snatch it again i like her she looks like wild cat.

" i take this phone, after college give me my money and take your phone or else i will give this phone to police".