stupid deal

" fuck what should we do know " Suhani practically yelled. Sanjana also don't know what to do now, they don't have such money, really don't have money.

" I don't know lets go to canteen then we can think something " Sanjana said because. because they were really not in the mood to attend any class. they went to canteen. its not very fancy like we see in movies its normal nothing fancy old furniture, wooden half damage chair and iron tables, surrounded by greenery very boring.

they sit in corner making gloomy faces. Sanjana putting one finger in chine. Suhani put head down in the table.

" what should we know babes, i cant ask from dad he will kill me " Suhani said over dramatically.

" lets think something " Sanjana said.

" babe two thing can solve our problem in that way " Suhani said.

" really ! what ".

" first Aladdin ka Chirag, and second we sell our self's in. this much of time we have only this option " Suhani said.

Sanjana look towards her gritting my teeth, she is impossible. how can she think like that, that can't be solution, Sanjana though to her self.

" I will kill you one day because of you sarcasm ", " do you want this " Sanjana said glaring at her stupid best friend.

" do you have any other option? " Suhani ask. truly in this time actually need Aladdin ka Chirag, Sanjana thought trying convince her self with her stupid friend.

" yes, I will ask him for more time " or " or.. else we have only one option your dad i will say its my fault okay ", Sanjana said after some time thinking. This is only logical way she can think. Suhani look at her friend with best puppy eye like her only hope, this think may work.

" and don't wary i will try 100 percent that i can solve it and we don't have to involve you dad ".

" hey babe don't wary, whatever happen i always with you, you don't have to do anything which you don't want, okay " Suhani said. her words moved Sanjana.

A smile curve into there lips, know very well she wont leave me in any difficulty. i can relay on her she is sweetheart. thought Sanjana.

" aww baby, we can solve it " both said in union. but they interpreted by voice.

" i can help " Abhi said. he came and sit with girls.

" i heard what happen in the morning, i am worried about Sanjana i came to see her, than hear your conversation i know you need money. " said Abhi. behaving like an savior.

seeing this Sanjana face again became emotionless, she dint say anything just get up and try to move but Abhi stop her by holding her hand.

" Sanjana you now i can help you and you can take my help, you don't need to ask from anyone "Abhi said. looking in to Sanjana eyes and she very well know that look.

" i don't need your help, even if your the last person in the world i wont take your help " Sanjana said and went from there.

he look towards Suhani she give his sympathetic look. he new he can't convince them and don't know what should do. then an idea came in his mind. yes i can do that. thought Abhi to him self.


he was trying to find Raj in college its already lunch time. then he show him in corridor. he whet to him and stand in front of him.

" what can i do for you " Raj said.

" see i don't have so much time i will pay for it " Abhi said in haughty tone, my Sanjana have right for all my money, so off course i can do that for Abhi thought to him self.

" what " Raj ask, he don't know what he taking about. and where this came from.

" for you car damage i will pay for it, and you don't need to mention her about that " Abhi said. Raj knew he is taking about his girl.

" did she ask you to do that " Raj said. he suddenly feel annoying with this thought of his women asking money from another man, truly he is not entrusted in money he just ask for tease his girl. but she went to ask another man help.

" its non of your business, you need money so i will pay on her behalf " Abhi said lesioning to Raj became angary who the hell he is for doing anything for my girl Raj thought to himself.

" Okay if she said this to me I will accept money from you " Raj said with smirk, because he had a feeling that his my girl dint want to take this man help and he don't wont his girl to take any one helps.

he move from there because he want to meet his girl and know more about her. but suddenly he got a call from company that he had to sign an argent document's and he have to go office. he went parking because suddenly max call and he had to deal this work. I will back and after that try to know my girl he thought to him self. he sit in car buking my seat belt. then he hear knock on window, and look in that direction and found his girl. he role down that mirror. she is looking more beautiful know she comb her hair perfectly.

" hey i wont to talk " she said " i…. you know "

" hey baby girl sorry but i am in harry, i have to go " he said she is looking little angry may be because he said her baby girl.

" but i want to talk " she said stubbornly.

" okay so come with me " he said, she is looking consciously.

" but.... how... can i come with you i don't even know you " she said, making cute face.

" see i am in harry, if you want to talk then come or else you can bring my money in the evening " he said smriking. he had a feeling that she didn't have money.

" okay " she came and sit in passenger seat. she is the first girl who ever in his car, he never let anyone touch his car. but off course she is my girl so she have all rights. Raj thought. he did not start the car just look at her.

" what " she ask.

" seat belt " he said smriking.

" ohh " she is struggling to tie seat belt, he move towards her to help her. he can hear her breath and looks in to her face she is looked at him, he tie her seat belt and sit back properly and start car engine.