
Sanjana pov

I try to find raj for asking him more time. when i am finding him i show him i run towards him, he dint see me i show him sitting in car i went to him

" hey i wont to talk " she said " i…. you know " i said to him.

" hey baby girl sorry but i am in harry, i have to go " he said. he again said baby girl even i already told him that i don't like it. but know i cant say anything to him because i need his help so i have be polite.

" but i want to talk " i said. why i have this feeling that he is enjoying this.

" okay so come with me " he said. but how can i go with him. i don't know what kind of person he is.

" but how can i come with you i don't even know you " i said, matter of the fact i cant go with him.

" see! i am in harry, if you want to talk then come or else you can bring my money in the evening " he said, he is very annoying i can see his smirk, he very well know that i came to him to talk about money that is why he doing. but its ok every dog's day come today is his day, when i get my chance i show will you Mr. annoying

" okay " i sit with him. i mean he cant do any thing to me! do he.

" what " i ask because he is not starting engine and looking at me.

" seat belt " he said. pointing finger towards seat belt.

" ohh " but i don't know how to tie seatbelt i even don't have bike. how can i ask him i am not going to ask him, what he can he think about me that i even don't know how to tie seatbelt its embarrassing. its like he read my mind,

suddenly he came close to me and my heart beat rise i can hear my own heart beat. his right hand move towards my waist his face near my face and then he took seat belt and tie it. i don't understand why i feel different around him, this is third time he came close to me..... but i dint feel any discomfort.

i just can trust him!

i don't know why?

i never feel this safe with any one!

i think i just can trust him.

he already start driving he dint say anything i dint said anything this silence is very comfortable still little awkward. so i break the ice

" actually..." i try to say something but he cut before i could say something.

" what " he said, i dint get it " okay max " he said. ohh he is talking in phone. suddenly he look at me

" sorry actually i was on call " he said, he said removing his Bluetooth.

Raj pov

I was on conference call i dint thing she realize that. she try to say something. then stop in the middle. after two min i cut the call. apology for that, this is feels good sitting with her in silence. a comfortable silence.

" so what do you want to talk about " i ask, knowing very well that see want to talk about morning incidents.

" i… "" i want to say sorry for morning, we dint do it intensely and its not that big you know its just scratch and one million is to much we don't have that much money " she said everything in one go looking super cute with her nervous face.

" so your saying! your not going to give money " i said truly i also dint need any money from her but i want to tease her little more because if i dint say that in the morning how i get chance to spend time with her.

" no no " she said. and pause for some time." i mean i will give you money but now i don't have any money, so i am asking for some time, i will pay you in installment "she said.

" okay i have a way in that you don't have to give any money ".

Sanjana pov

he said he have a way in that i don't have to give any money he is such a bastard how can he think like that what he is thinking about me. i am not that type of girl.

" you bastard " i said.

" listen " he try to say something,

" i know very well, what you want from me, you are such a cheap ester " " how can you say that just because i came with you in car, you think i also came to your bad " " you bastard i will spend my hole life in jail but not let you touch my single hair " i practically yell he stops the car in side and listen me with wide open eye. i try to open the car door but he stops me by holding my hand.
