Heart beat

Sanjana pov

I am trying to control my unstable heart beat, my heart beating very fast and my cheeks turned red like seriously what was that. I am standing with support of my apartment door trying to calm my heart beat. my eye were close all that happened some time ago coming in front of my eye like a movie, I don't know what got into me, why i am so close to him, ahhh am i going to crazy.

" Ahmm " I hear Suhani fake clearing her throat to gain my attention. I give her an smile more like an awarded smile, i went to kitchen drink water in one go. look towards Suhani who still standing there for explanation.

" hey " i said to her and she give me that fake smile more like waiting for your explanation, I pass her and sit in living room couch. she came and sit with still staring me, i switch on the tv try to do an impossible task which is ignore her.

I know we don't talk much for long time and she need to know everything, and she really deserve it.

" what " i yelled rolling my eye on her.

" you know " she said, i know i don't have an option to run from this matter, because i never went out with anyone especially at this time.

" i went to eat ice cream...….with..... Raj " i said short and simple but more like whisper.

" and!!!! " she ask with that suspicious look.

" and nothing " i said try to being cool not making eye contact with her.

" okay, make it simple, why didn't you to take me, when you went out this time or at least you should tell me " she said.

" i don't.... remember " I said truth knowing very well what is coming next.

" you bitch, i am faking worried for you because you didn't take your phone with you and your telling me you don't fucking remember " she said okay yelled and i know i deserve this i should we more responsible i should tell her before going.

" i am sorry, i really didn't mean to, it's just Raj tell me to go with him so.. " i said looking at her, she is looking hurt and angry. then i heard doorbell, i eye her sound at this time.

" did we expecting someone, isn't it to late " i said looking towards Suhani.

" you didn't take your phone with you and i am worried for you i don't know what to do so... " she about to complete when i stop her.

" you did not " I almost yelled knowing very well what she have done.

" i just... " i ignore her and and open the door, because of continuous sound of bell disturbing us and can create seen in front of our neighbors.



" what are you doing here at this time " Sanjana ask, pretending like nothing happen.

" i am worried for you " Abhi said, he is sweating and looking terrible, he is little bit drunk with smell of smoke .

" first you don't have to worry for me, and second i am alright so you can go " Sanjana said, with sutturn face.

" where you went at this time " he ask in authoritative tone.

" its none of your business " Sanjana said how can he ask me questions what he think about himself, he have no right on me. Sanjana thought.

" you " he grinding his teeth, looking at her angrily.

" enough guys, Abhi i am sorry that i bother you this time but now everything is okay so you can leave " Suhani said politely.

" its okay! if anything happen call me " he said smiling at her. he came near me standing in front of me looking at me.

" hey it's okay just next time please tell someone where you're going out or at least take your phone with you " he said looking at me " good night, take care " he said with smile and give Sanjana forehead kiss and left before she could react.

After Abhi left Sanjana didn't said anything just stopping her tears to not fall in front of him when he left, she close her eye take deep long breaths.

" sorry " Sanjana said to Suhani and move but Suhani hold my hand and look at her.

" i am sorry, i was scared for you so.." Suhani said and hug Sanjana.

" its okay " Sanjana said hugging her back.

"ewww " Sanjana said making disgusts face because Suhani give her a sloppy cheek kiss.

"lets go i want to hear everything, lets sleep together " Suhani said taking Sanjana arm towards her room.

Sanjana tell her everything what happened in the morning what Abhi said to her how he rudely behave with her.

" i don't want to know about Abhi, i want to know about Raj " Suhani said, changing the topic.

hearing Raj name, Sanjana cheeks starting burning again, she just don't know what is happening with her.

" he is... i don't know, he is always there for me, when i need him like when i about to fall he came and hold me, he didn't say anything just stand by my side, like today he knew i am upset so he came to cheer me up " Sanjana said truly imaging Raj and her lips twich in a smile without even she realize that she is smiling.

Suhani look at her and give her wired kind of look, but didn't said anything. and Sanjana don't understand her reaction, she don't know what she is expecting, may be kind of approval what why. then she see Raj message.

' just reach home good night, may be my phone will be off morrow just telling you 'with shy emoji '.

Sanjana don't to want to accepted, but she is waiting for his message, she don't gaited what is happening to her, why is feeling this way a person whom she barely know for two weeks became such important.

Suhani pov

after Sanjana and i talk about so many things and she slept hugging her pillow and lie on my side of bad. ahh my goodness my friend fall in love, i can feel it my friend happiness, she is happy.

I just wish Raj help Sanjana to come out of her dark past, I really don't know about her past, but i know it hurt her to no end. i try so much to help her to move on but.... I can not able to help her, i even tell her to take doctors help but she is not ready to do that. but know i can see Raj is really helping her she is not much bother about Abhi.

I am also little bit upset for Abhi, he really care for her but i know he is playboy and he is not good for my friend. but he never miss behave with girls, I never saw him forcing girls. girls go after him by there will, because of Sanjana he always behave good with me, sometime he ask me about how Sanjana doing most of the time I ignore him. but when its about Sanjana he became shameless because he genuine towards her.

I am happy for my friend, but my stupid friend doesn't even realize that she fall in love, i didn't say anything to her because i want her to experience every fucking thing by her own.

I don't know what is the relation between Sanjana and Abhi, I can feel he is different for her but not like love, its like friend but he is so bossy and unreasonable he does not allow boys near Sanjana. but Know Raj came he is different and they way he look at Sanjana even an idiot can tell he love her except my silly best friend i hope he won't hurt her.