ICE Cream

after canteen incident Sanajan didn't react, neither she cry nor she said that like she want to live alone nothing, she just attend all the class and bid bye, she just behave normal, extra normal.

her behavior really confuse Raj, but he didn't said anything may be when she ready to talk about it Raj thought. still he only think about Sanjana whole day, it also make him feel like is still stranger to her, but can't stop thinking about her

Raj pov,

now i am standing in front of her apartment from last 20min, because i have to go home morrow and i really want to see her before going that is she okay or not. I message her 5 min ago, but she didn't reply maybe she slept.

I about to put my phone back in the pocket, then i show her message we talk for some time then I ask her to go out, I ask her to come to window and she came then my eye met with her eye time stop for some moments, her eyes have so many emotion but still some softness. that softness of her eye encourage me i message her to came down

after about 10 min she come and again the time stops she is looking beautiful as always, her hair where open and sinning with her natural brown color, her smile seems genuine because it reaching to her eye. she is bearing simple maroon crop top which showing her little waist with blue ankle length jeans and light brown sneakers.

but that really have my attention is her amber color eye, those beautiful eye have so many emotion, most importantly her innocent, and her simplicity which always have my heart, I engrossed in her i didn't realize she came close to me until i hear her breath, i didn't say anything just open door for her she also sit without saying anything.

I started the engine and our drive start with silence. the she break the ice.

" how do you know i will go with you in this time " she ask and my lips twich in a small smile.

" i just know " i said more to tease her. she maid a confused pout and i swear to god i just want to pack her pout, but i control my self and concentrate on road. i tell her i want to go home suddenly i see sadness in her,

may its just my assumption.

then my phone ring its Jahnavi my sweet little sister, i call Janu, she is my sweet Janu i talk to her she ask me when i reach home because its mom's birthday so we planning a small surprise for her. I ended the call and look at my girl she is looking at me i pass a small sorry smile. and again start the engine.


" who's that " Sanjana ask, not knowing why she ask, she shouldn't involve in his life but she blur out.

" ohh its my sister " Raj said, without a second.

"o " she smile, and relex.

they went to ice cream parlour. he park the car, Sanjana is about to open the door but he stop her, went to her side and open the door she made face, Sanjana feel nice whenever he does that for her but still little to much.

" you know i can do that " Sanjan said and Raj chuckle, he new he did,'t have to but did not want to waste any second to pamper her.

" i know...….. but i like to do that for you " because i love to pamper you making you feel special for me Raj said last part in my mind, and she smile.

they went to counter he look at her, she is looking like a child, a super cute child who want a ice cream she look at him with those innocent eye like a child look at her mom for ice-cream.

" what do want " Raj ask her, knowing very well she will choice chocolate ice cream.

" chocolate bromine " she said and he chuckle. she look at him and roll her eye.

" vanilla mix with chocolate " Raj said.

they take their order and went to table, Sanjana start eating like always forgetting that how cute she look while eating, and Raj also doing his favorite work looking at her eating, he can watch her like that whole my life, he didn't feel bore looking at her, how long he look. he only take three or four spoon and she already finish her ice cream. and then she look at him and smile, like she realize that he is also there.

wait she is not looking at me she is looking at my ice cream looking like cute baby Raj thought.

" want some " Raj ask controlling his laugh.

" no, its okay " she said, but still looking at ice cream looking super cute.

" have it " Raj said passing his spoon near her lips. she take that bite after that she start eating from her spoon ice cream, without realizing they share the same spoon. some of ice-cream on her face, Raj clean it with tissue paper looking at her eye.

" for how long your going " she ask me when he driving, back home.

" just for two three days " Raj said normally, after that she didn't ask anything and they didn't talk much while drive. but silence was very comfortable.

they are sitting in front of her apartment his my car. but the silence don't bother him its peaceful silent, with her so he don't want that moment to go, he cant able to see her for next two or three days. he really don't know how will he able to live without her for whole fucking three days.

" so.. i should go" she said.

no baby don't go, I want to take you with me i am really going to miss you Raj want to tell her but he can't. she about to move he stop her my holding her wrist.

" are you really okay, not upset with anything " Raj ask, making sure she's okay because he wont be with her for some time and did not want her to upset.

" actually i am little upset " Sanjana said.

" why baby " Raj said, is still upset for canteen incident.

" because my friend is going to leave me " Sanjan said with sad face, he look at her after some seconds she laugh, he look at her with confused face.

" I'm just kidding, off course i am okay " she said but this make him angry, his grip tighten on her wrist he left her hand and hold her face in palm.

" you don't have to pretend anything " Raj said looking into her eye " i can see when your smile fake or real " he said he look into her eye she don't break eye contact nether she said anything for some time.

" i am really okay.... " she said he let go of her face look towards another direction. he knew he have no right to say anything.

" sorry " Raj said and came out of car open the door for her not looking at her. she came out look at him for sometime, he looking everywhere except her.he about to move from there but suddenly she hold his hand, look at her she look at him.

" i am okay... because i have a friend who care for me so much, who didn't let me upset " Sanjana said with fake sad pout. she come more close to him and he close his eye. what i am doing why i am behaving like a girl Raj thought, then he feel her lips on his chick and he snap open his eye.

" bye " she said with small smile.

she about to take step back when he again hold her face she kiss her forehead. then he look at her, her eye where close.

" bye and take care " Raj said with smile and she nodded, Sanjana went towards her apartment Raj waited for her to disappear.