MY Girl

" I want to thank you for helping me, but i am not going to tell you instead i reward you with lunch " Raj said standing from his seat taking Sanjana hand on his hand and pulling chair for her, and she give me a small smile.

they went to canteen because she insist, somehow Sanjana had a feeling that Raj mood is off from morning, she did not know what happened before but time ago Raj had argument with his classmate, for other reason it didn't matter to him, but that boy mention Sanjana and it made Raj furious.

I mean i really didn't get it what the hell is happening, one of classmate warned me to stay away from my girl, as if i am going to lesion but that really boil my blood i mean what's there problem, he have guts to talk to me in that town if it somewhere else would teach him lesson but off course I am keeping low profile so for time being i won't do anything to him Raj thought.

after hearing those boys he also understand, why there any boys around her even when she is beautiful, intelligent, kind, sweet and what not, still boys didn't approach her, now i understand why because they told to stay away from her. as if i lesion, but it's also good i don't have to deal with unwanted fly around my girl, Raj thought.

he just have this feeling that it's because of Abhi, but still i don't have any proof its just his doubt he don't know he should tell her or not. or maybe she already knew.


Raj came to class and his eye landed on his girl as always like she is the favourite pie of shop, she is looking beautiful. she is wearing pink color kurti with Wight jegging, her hair tie in messy bun because she don't like to spend much on hair remembering this a his lips twich in a smile.

her pouty lips looking very eatable and those little hair coming on her face increasing her beauty she is engross in her book, when Raj was engrossed in his beauty though someone tap on his shoulder, he look at that direction.

its a boy little weird, cigarette smell coming from him, he didn't like those kind of punk, the new boy is bearing black t-shirt with black pants brown shoes, looking at him Raj roll his eye, he looks like a bodyguard, not like an student what's wrong with his taste Raj thought.

" hey " Raj said, he can feel hostility from other man.

" i want to talk " new boy said arrogantly, he behave like if Raj did not lesion to him he will beat him.

" about " Raj ask coldly.

" came " new boy said looking at Sanjana and move towards last row " you get to know " giving him weird look, and move without waiting from Raj answer.

" one second " Raj said and moving towards his girl.

" good morning sweetheart " Raj said to sanjana with smile, the coldness before him faded with gentleness.

" morning " Sanjana also smile looking at him, and just like that her one smile made his day, like a sine of moring.

after that he move towards last row where that boy is standing with two other boys looking equally cheap.

he went to them and stand in front of that boy other boys come to his right and left and made circle but there is no fear in Raj. even more coldness around with which can freeze them.

" new admission " that boys ask looking into Raj eyes.

" yes " Raj reply with equal arrogant if they think this kind of thing scared him they are wrong it only make him angry.

" that's why " he said, Raj didn't get it what did he mean, he just want to what is going on he can feel its about his girl.

" what " Raj ask, there not many emotion on his eye.

" that's why you make mistake but it's okay we forgive you this one " he said making Raj confuse.

" what mistake " Raj ask with smirk.

" no boys aloud to go near her " he said and look at Sanjana.

This make Raj very angry, he just stop himself from punching that guy, who the hell he is to tell me about what should i do or what shouldn't, Raj thought.

" really! why its that so " Raj said controlling his anger he want to know more about this topic.

" it is like that, stay away from her if want to stay in that college " he said try to threaten Raj the other two boys soothing draggers, it only boil his anger.

" try it " Raj said moving towards him, and the temprecher around him decree all the boys around Raj can feel coldness, no one aloud to talk to Raj this way neither telling him what to do or not specially if its about his girl.

" she mine " Raj said taking slow steps towards him " and sister in law for you put this in your mind " he said holding caller of that person "and whatever your name is if you ever try to talk to me this way, or i get to know you did something to her i will not warn you i directly show you what can i do " his eye became red he leave that boy caller set his shirt.

" next time i get to hear something like that you will see my worst side " Raj said with evil smile, move from there one of the guy try to stop me but that time lecturer came.

he went back to his seat near his girl, but he still make distance from her because he still angry, one thing Raj hate when people interfering in his life or its about his girl how can he control. he is looking towards the board but he can feel his girl gaze on him, he look towards her and his anger start on melting, with just her one look.

after that they didn't talk anything until lunch, he is about to go out of class when Sanjana stop him by holding his wrist, he look into her eye and she raise her eyebrow in questionable look.

" i am hungry where are you going " she ask cocatesly, he know she also start on liking his company her words showing she is also trying. that made him happy he just want that his girl's attention. and then came move towards canteen.

flashback end

" so what you want to eat boss " Raj said to Sanjana, he usually don't talk much with people but she is different, she is his girl, he like to pamper her, in every way.

" cheese sandwich and chocolate pastry with cock " Sanjana said looking at menu.

" okay mam " Raj said, and bring there order she took her pasty plate and took her first bit start eating closing her eye, he know chocolate is her favorite flavor, when she see chocolate she went made.

" you know people usually eat dessert in last " Raj said and about to take spoon of pasty from her plate but she didn't let him, she cover her pasty with her hand and a mischievous grin on her face.

" no its my reward " Sanjana said taking another bite looking super cute, this made him smile, for this smile he even can buy all chocolate in the world.

" aww my baby " Raj said taking bite from her pasty and she give him annoying look, they are taking, smiling and eating but their moment interpreted by Abhi.

Raj pov,

he came and sit in empty chair on left side, he is looking at my girl but didn't say anything just looking at her with so many emotions.

he ask her why didn't she came to see him in hospital, he is looking angry but more upset. he told her that i also went to see her, hearing this she give a look it's not angry more like an surprise.

" you know i was hoping maybe you don't get to know about that, maybe you say sorry or at least you show little bit just little bit concern " he said and i see tear in both there eye but she didnt show him that tear she look in another direction and instantly wipe that tear but i already see that,

i am feeling hurt seeing her like that everything okay just few min ago but know...…she is seeding tears for another man.

" i don't care about every buddy, because fucking every buddy is not my...…." he didn't completed what he is saying thank god for that because i don't know i can hear anybody calling her my, i am not ready and i don't thing i ever will.

his incomplete sentence broke my heart, i feel someone put thousands of needles my heart. he know her more, he knows she is allergic to pepper Sauce, and this make me upset that someone else know more about my girl.

my girl does i even deserve to say that, i don't even know her well, I can't hear anybody saying her my.. only this word heart so much. If i am ever able to her with anyone even for happiness.