Hot meeting

Raj pov

I came back yesterday night. and i really want to go and see my girl, i miss her so fucking much, but when i came back its already 1 am. So i didn't go to see her.

so I wake up' early in the morning and i am going meet my girl, i will do breakfast with her in that way i am able to spend some time with her, this two days made me realize that i can't live without her for even a day, next time when ever i go i take her with me i decide.

I park my car. and went towards her building enter in the lift press her floor no, my heart beat is far from normal. lift came to her floor why i am feeling that time is going quite slow. like i am feeling every second.

I stand in front of her apartment okay its only 7 o'clock and I really don't want to disturb her sleep but i can't wait to see her, should i press the button or not, what should i do, why i am feeling nervous it's not like i am 1st time going to her house.

'come on Raj you can do that'

i say to myself. okay i am going to do that, i take a deep breath and close my eye and press the button. it take at least 10 ring to finally moving the door knob.

" what the fuck happened in the morning " my girl open the door still rubbing her eye.

I look at her okay she is looking hell hot in her nighty, did she plan to kill me, seeing her like that suddenly my pant titan and i am feeling very uncomfortable with my cloths, i am feeling very hot, she just bearing shortest shot, like really really short... which not even reaching to mid thigh, and her tank which only reaching above her belly button showing her full belly, wait she didn't even bear bra, because her top is with very thin cloth clearly showing her n*****l.

and her lips ohh god what even i am thinking she is my friend, she is my friend, she is my friend I shout in my mind trying to explain my heart and mind to. I should not think like her that way, i even didn't she her full face yet because i cant able to take my eye from her curvy b*****s, ahh god Raj concentrate she is your friend, i said to myself and i look at her face. or at least try i think rolling my eye on my own self.

" bang "

she close the door with a turd, hell no she see me looking at her live some pervert, ahh god Raj what have you done, did i scared her, ahh i hold my hair between my palm and pull them, what have i done, i didn't realize when i reach my car and start driving.

but what can i do, i am still healthy man and if i see the most hottest girl like that, off course my male hormone will work, my mind try to justify my act but i smack my head, how can i face her know. i came to my house and directly went to bathroom, i need cold shower.

I stand in cold shower but her image is which coming again and again in my mind not helping a bit ohh god how can erase that fucking image its way to hot for me. i don't want to see her like that again.

good thing is that i didn't go inside her house or else i don't know what would I do, maybe i hold her with waist cage her in my arms and kiss her endlessly. no, no, no, no i should not think like that, at least not know.i don't know how i am going to face her.

I am not going to see her at least not until i am able to erase her that image. i am not going to see her, no way, not chance. why this happening with me i want to spend time with her but know i can't even see her, why this happen i said to my with sad pout.

Sanjana Pov

I try to sleep but sleep is far from my eye, i change in very comfortable cloth feeling like i am not bearing any thing when i am not able to sleep in my bad so i went to couch switch on the T.V, i fell sleep about 12:30 am.

"Ring , Ring "

ohh god what is this irritating sound, i will kill that person who disturb my sleep in the morning whoever that is continuously ringing the bell.

I curse that person again, get up from couch still rubbings my eye i open the door.

" what the fuck happened in the morning...…. " i yelled.

when i open my eye and see Mr. annoying he is looking like smoking hot, like Greek god, ahh.. what i am even thinking but he is looking so eatable wait eatable where did it come from, i ask to myself.

he is bearing black simple shirt with upper three buttons open showing this sexy chest, sexy control babe control, concentrate on his face i try to convince myself, but my eye not leaving his hot well built chest, i really want know how many packs he his, and want to touch his chest.

looking him like that i am feeling wetness in my lower part, my mouth getting watery, focus Sanjana focus,

but what can i do i am not able to shift my gaze from him, i try to look somewhere else but my eye landed on his muscles they literally want to came out of that peace, i want to see him shirtless ahh god it is not helping its getting fucking difficult.

suddenly i feel his pant looking tighter i look towards his face he is looking at me then i realize what exactly i am bearing and the very next second i shut the door with loud bang sound.

I quickly came to my room bear some oversized t-shirt which hid me completely and quickly went to open the door. I wait for 2 more second took a deep breath and open the door.

but for my disappointment there is no one expect for one bag i took that bag made a sad pout. i look at the bag there is samosa in that.

" he came to meet me and what have i done, i shut the door in his face, he must be angry with me " i said to myself.

I went to my room throw that t-shirt and hide my face in pillow. what i even thinking back then, what he must be thinking about me that i am ogling on him. my face became Red i am blushing thinking about that moment.

again doorbell ring i get excited is he came back, i think and went to open the door. when i open the door i get upset.

it's not Raj, its Suhani, she came back from jog.

" you should change before opening the door " she said eyeing me from head to toe.

" yeah " i said and went to my room and again lie on bed feeling different or disappointed, yes this feeling is different for me i am not understanding what is happening to me, why i am feeling this way or it's just infatuation, or i am getting attractive towards him, i don't know its all confusing and irritating, but I know one thing that i miss him