Phone call

Raj pov

it's been two days when that incident happen, and in this two days, I was just avoiding her I only look at her when see doesn't concentrate on me. but the sad thing is that she is trying to talk to me but i just can't see her because when ever I see her i just want to hug her tightly.

but off course i won't do that it may sacre her so i was avoiding her, its a third day i came early for the class, Sanajan hadn't came yet and so i am doing my work on my phone, until i finish my woke class already started i didn't realize that but sanjana didn't came yet. i was thinking about her when she came in and when my eye met her i realize how stupid i am to avoid her when how much i am missing her.

her eye where red, looks like she has cry, out moment break by teacher her he let her in the class, she went to her seat and sit quietly but look distrub i want to ask her what happened and why she cry i want to her hug her and comfort her but i control my self out 40 min class finally ended and as soon as class ended sanjana dashed out of class.

I went behind her when i about reach her i slow my pace, suddenly from nowhere Abhi came and hug her. she didn't push him, i feel so suffocated that i left form that place. I thinking to much she doesn't need me maybe its just my illusion. i don't know what i am thinking but i really want to kill that Abhi right now for coming between us, for being special to sanjana. but i can't hurt him because it may be hurt sajana.

I left the college feeling suffocated i won't went my angry and i know where i want to go this moment.




Inside the conference room there is silence, everyone can feel the cold aura that was suppressing then and making then sweat furrily. in last five days 3 top leader were fired and today the meeting of design depart was organised. the manager of design department can feel it's a terrible day for him.

it's just 15 min before meeting was started and ten out of 5 candide shuttering in front of CEO.

" Sir ..." the manager look towards Raj and contuone " this project was approved by finance department " before he could finish a cold voice rang out.

" you call this trash an approved project " Raj said with devils smirk " how many days you waste in this robish " Raj said throwing the file on the table.

" your fire " before the manager open his mouth to speak Raj said went out of the conference room without looking back.

" sir please give me another chance..." the manager plead looking at the close door and look toward max with pleading eye. max suck his head and went out of the conference room, and went to CEO office, and knock the door.

"come in " a voice come from inside. max open the door come in. a man standing in front of french window, with wine glace on his left hand and looking out of the window.

" Sir its friday, you should go home, you didn't went home from 5 days " Max said looking at Raj. he look haggard, he is continuously working from last five days, and a small mistake he fire the staff. mow max also had to work over time, he did not able to call his girlfriend. and his girlfriend was about to break up with him. also he had to appoint new staff in every 2 hour.

The cold, domineering, ruthless CEO come back after one month and know all office staff had suffer. he did not go home and neither he let any staff go home the secretary department had to work nonstop, next three month work already done. but the boss still not ready to take break.

" Ring Ring " suddenly Raj phone Rang on the table. max went to table. Sanjana shows on the screen.

"Sir its Sanjana " max said about to pick up phone when suddenly a hand come and pike up phone and look at the screen his eye lit up.

" you can go " Raj said but this time his voice is normal max instantly went out of office.

Raj pickup the phone and but did not say anything and and other side also did not say anything there is silence.

Raj quietly woke to sofa and it down take a ship of his wine, but did not hurry to say anything.

"hey baby " Raj said with gentle voice and smile crypt on his lips.

but there is still silence from the other side but then he hear music from other side Raj fron.

" where are you " he ask getting up from sofa and waking out of his office.

" you bad man " Sanjana said in tipsy voice," i won't talk to you" but it sounded very cute.

" ....." Raj was speechless and confused, he walk towards elevator and get inside it.

" your bad, bad man " Sanjana again said childessly.

" your drunk " Raj said with sweet smile.

" No i am not, suhani said its moktale " Sanjana said again the voice from other side getting louder.

" okay if you are not then tell me where are you " Raj said in coxing voice, but when the Ressepeinnest her his voice she was astonite.

" bar " Sanjana said without understanding his trik hearing her answer Raj smile and started his car.

" Which bar baby " his voice still very sweet sanjana can feel bluse on her face without any reason, his voice can melt the mountain.