New beginning

Sanjana pov,

It's been two weeks, I discharge from the hospital, after coming out of hospital.

I think about everything about my life and realize that i can not live like this, I can't let that person destroy me like this.

Suhani said to me if get scared of getting hurt there are more chances me getting hurt. i can't stop things happening around me and i can't run from them. I have to learn to find happiness and fight for my happiness.

So when the day I discharge from hospital i promises to myself that i will live this life happily.

The next day I pack my all past staff that make me weak or hurt including my mom photo, put then in a wooden box and put them into storoom.

Now i am fully recover i don't walk like a lame, i give myself another chance and I feel happy.

Raj came everyday he is more like living with us, he even rent the apartment next to mine, but he did not live here, he only live there when he get late in night. he said he would not stay here much and if I want,I can use this apartment as my own.

Something change between us, I don't know what but it's a good change. He is like became very protective about me, He check on me time to time and if I won't able to contact him, He became worried I can understand this but.....

He went over bored he put the landline phone in the house saying that if my phone out of battery or something he can reach me.

And the when the landline phone ring, it can wake an elephant from the noise, because of that I was angry with him and we also had a small fight but...


" Raj what the hell is this " Sanjana yelled looking the mess in the house.

" its phone baby " he said with innocent look but the cheeky grin on his face cannot be hind. Sanjana glare at him but he just ignore it like he used to it.

" How is it " Raj said to Suhani, and look amused how incredible his idea is " nice " that all Suhani can say about it.

" we did not want his thing " Sanjana said looking at Suhani and then Raj. they were team against her and bullying her like that.

"How about we voat " Raj said, Smirk looking towards Sanjana, and raise his left hand

Sanjana knew she was going to loss this battle but she still had a hope on her best friend.

But she was wrong her best friend betrays her raising her hand with Raj. Sanjana look at her the wronged expression.

" come on it's not that bad " as soon she said this the landline ring and shut her mouth with a awkward smile.

" Really " Sanjana said looking at Suhani with the expression " you stupid ".

" its okay we can make another bet " Raj said sitting on the sofa.



Sanjana and Suhani said with union, last time they almost lost there three thousand, and one more time her favourite skuti. know they did not want lose anything. Raj look at them with smug face.

"don't we so smug it's just ludo " Suhani said through the greete teeth.

last night Raj and Sanjana playing ludo for fun, and Sanjana win last three rounds but Suhani chimed ined, and said it's no fun without prize, they start it with money and then item of house.

" So its final its not going anywhere " Raj said pointing towards the phone and making himself more comfortable on the couch. when Suhani about sit in on the couch Raj did not let her.

" this is also mine, did you forget " Raj said to Suhani, Suhani look at Sanjana with eye that saying ' please do something ' and Sanjana give her look saying ' who told to bet ' Suhani give her look like ' i just put my confidence on you' Sanajan did not have anything to say.

Flashback end

Now I am doing, my office work, it's already 6 o'clock, when my phone ring its Raj.

"where are you, i am already here " Raj said.

" just five more min " I said hurriedly and cut the call. finishing my work i came out from office when i see Emily one of colleague who is also coming out.

"hey " she said, she is a beautiful girl with brown Shade of skin but her features are good.

"hey " I Said with samil. and move towards the exit where Raj talking on phone, looking so charming and handsome. like an model. he saw me and smile while waving his hand. I also smile.

"boyfriend " Emily said, I look towards her and she is looking at Raj. eye like when a dog sees' a bone. okay its not right way to describe but the way she looks its really... weird and i did not look like that look.

I did not say anything, neither deny nor accept. just smile at her and walk towards Raj. Raj still on phone but he still open the door for me from one hand and put other on my head, after that he carefully close the door.

I can't describe how his small gesture make me happy, when he care about the small things. when he check the food temprecher for me like I am a small child. or when he put his hand on my head when ever I sit on his car. or when he help me change my dressing like i'm a cotton flower and broke with little strength. his this small gesture make me smile.

Sometime when I thought about the girl he is in love with, I feel jealous from her, I did not want to share Raj with anyone one, but when I thought about it, I feel i'm selfish.