
" so where are we going " Sanjana ask looking towards the phone.

Raj has told her that they were going to somewhere, he just pick her in sunday dragging her from her warm bed. on a sunday 6 o'clock in the morning.

"Surprise " Raj said, concentrating on driving without even giving her a look.

" It's Sunday, and you want to drag me, god knows where " Sanjana said, making a pout.

" You're just lazy " Raj said in teasing town. They were driving about 3 hours its already 8 o clock.

The car stop near the old looking house, as car stop Sanjana looks up and Happy House Written on the board the bold letters.

They both get out of the car, as always Raj hold Sanjana hand and drag her towards the gate.

"Why are we here " Sanjana asks, looking around curiously. It's a beautiful place with full of greenery around.

" You know soon " Raj Said mysteriously and took out some bangs from the car hold them in one hand Sanjana with the other hand.

They went and as the they open the door, Sanjana saw old people and so many disabled children's. But all of them playing happily there is smiling in their faces there is elderly grandmother who is serving tea to a grandpa and there is a happy smile on their faces.

Raj left Sanjana hand and move towards that old couple put finger on his lips and gesture children not to make noise. Went behind the grandma and put his hand.

Before Raj could say anything grandma said "Raj ".

As she said that all the children and old people laugh out loud Sanjana also smile looking Raj made a pout.

" How do know it's me "Raj said, hugging the grandma. All the elders come around the stand near Raj, talking and laughing.

Sanjana still standing near the door and saw the seen, even if she is not involved in that seen she feels warm in heart looking at them so close.

She was in a daze when Raj came to take her hand and drag her towards the elderly.

" Ahh, who's this beautiful lady " One of the grandpa said with a smile he is very friendly in nature and Sanjana can feel this.

" This is mine.... Friend "Raj Said looking at Sanjana and then look up " Grandpa Sinha ". Raj said with a smile.

But the shine in his eye and his voice can not help but saw her feelings, and the way his eye did not ready to leave her side.

All the elderly look each other with a knowing smile.

" Oh, she is beautiful "

" How old are you"

" Did you have boyfriend "

"I have a grandson, I can introduce you to her "

" No my Grandson is more handsome "

All the elders speak one by one and did not give Sanjana chance to answer hearing these questions Raj face turned gloomy.

" No She did not need any boyfriend " Raj said with panic. All the elderly Shut up the atmosphere became strange.

" Hello My name is Sanjana! And I am 22 years old " She turned " and if your grandsons are as handsome as you are, then I really have to travel, you, Grandpa and Grandma's " She said with giving everyone there answers turning around to everyone.

Hearing her all the elders laugh and took Sanjana hand lovingly and Start talking. Forgetting one person whose face turned cold ' how dare she ' Raj thought to himself.

All the people get busy them self talking to Sanjana, and Raj went to the office talking about the management of the house. When he came back, he saw Sanjana talking to all people happily.


" Sanjana has serious depression " The doctor said looking at Sanjana report.

" But Doctor Sanjana is very normal...…" Suhani said not knowing how to explain. She was somewhat guilty for not finding anything wrong with her best friend.

" All people have different way of showing there a problem, probably Sanjana had taken treatment before... But maybe something triggers her suddenly that's why she behave like this" doctor said.

Raj lesion in all this silently, he realizes that whatever happens in past leave physiological shadow on Sanjana. And that is why she likes to live alone.

" When can start the treatment... " Doctor about say but interrupted by Raj.

"No need, " Raj said in a dominating town not leaving any space to say more.

" But... "Suhani said.

" Sanjana is not ready for this know " Raj said.

And suhani new he is right.

" Don't worry, we need to make her happy write now and that important and when she strong enough we can talk about it "

Flashback end

Her smile is real this time, Raj new from last two weeks Sanjana was trying hard to move on, so Raj silently sporting her indecision.

He was worried about her so much so Suhani and Raj did not leave Sanjana alone for a second.

He found this house through his company, charity program, and when he came here he feel happy so connected to this people instantly. So he brings Suhani here to make her happy.

He knew she was strong, She just needs to realize that word is beautiful and life is full of ups and down.

Bringing her here, just to make her realize that, she can do so many things' and look how beautiful the word Is.

Sanjana waves her hand. And Raj is still thinking about her so he did respond, Sanjana came to Raj and hold his hand and sake him.

" Hey... " She said. taking his hand and moving

" See I make this crown, did it look good " Sanjana said, showing the flower crown she make for children, she is also bearing one on her head.

" Yes its beautiful " Raj said, Looking at her, whenever he sees her, he can't let his eye from her.