Losing Everything

A black Maybach stopped in front of the Wang mansion in the middle of the night and a bony woman came out of it. She wore a long black coat and a scarf on her head to hide her face. The woman nodded at one of the guards who let her into the mansion. A butler welcomed her upon her arrival.

"The master is waiting for you in the bedroom," he told her. She nodded and went straight to the master bedroom where Edward's tall frame was looking outside the window. The woman took off her scarf to reveal Donna's pale face.

"I'm here, darling," she announced. Edward slowly turned around. He was in his bathrobe, holding a glass of wine in his hand. His dark eyes were examining her with a mix of lust and disgust. Donna sexily swayed her hips as she walked towards him.

"I'm sorry about what happened," she went on, trailing a palm across his chest. "Alex did not deserve to pass away like this. We'll get that Lucas-"