
The pitter patter of the rain could be heard as the raindrops hit the windowsill. A storm was brewing in the sky, further darkening the already pitch black night. Thunders roared all around her, making Lillian jump a little.

Even the slightest sound was scaring her because she was afraid that Lucas would enter the room any moment and threaten her again. She had crossed the line with him and now, she was only counting the minutes to when he would decide to kill her off. The lights were turned off and she sat on the floor, with darkness all around her. 

The storm outside was becoming more ferocious by the minute with lightning striking every few seconds, briefly illuminating the area before plunging everything into darkness again. The rain was falling down hard, drowning out her sobs. She wanted to call her mother but her parents had to visit her mother's hometown that weekend because her maternal uncle was sick.