Why Does It Hurt?

After making sure that all the children went home with their guardians, Lillian cleaned up at the auditorium and then headed for the teacher's room. It was already past 8 PM and she was supposed to return to Lucas' mansion. Thomas had informed her that a car was waiting for her around the corner.

She grabbed her duffel bag, purse and the box of truffles before heading towards the spot where Thomas had told her that the car was waiting. To her surprise, Lucas' personal chauffeur, Sam, was waiting for her.

"Good evening, madam," he greeted her and opened the car door for her. 

"Uncle Sam!" she exclaimed cheerfully. "Aren't you supposed to be escorting Lucas?"

"Master Lucas is busy today with an important...er, meeting," Sam replied. Lillian slightly frowned. Sam's face was troubled and his hair seemed to have greyed more overnight. The lines on his wrinkled face were more visible as if he was under a lot of stress.