Sleep With Me

Lunch was a silent affair at the Hao mansion that day. Lillian was starving but was also nervous. She kept on glancing at Lucas every few seconds, wondering what to talk about. She was not accustomed to sitting quietly during mealtimes and preferred to chat with people around her.

Lucas, on the other hand, was on his fourth helping. He ate quietly and elegantly without even a crumb on his face. Lillian could only gape at him, wondering if he was even human at all. He felt her curious gazes on him and sighed. Sitting up straight, he faced her.

"What is it?" he asked. "Why are you staring at my face instead of focusing on your meal?"

"I am focusing on my food!" she lied and quickly looked away. 



She scowled to herself. But the silence was killing her and she needed to talk. 

"Thank you," she said. "For letting me go to my parents' house. I had a good time there."
