The Bar (2)

Lillian struggled to be free but the long haired man was dragging her away towards the suite. She kicked the other one in the shin, making him snarl.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" he yelled and raised a hand to hit her when someone caught it midway. The man turned around only to be punched hard. The force of the punch made him stagger backwards and his nose was bleeding. Lillian was still fighting to be freed when she felt the long haired man' wrists wrenched away from hers. 

To her shock, Lucas was standing in front of but he was not looking at her. His gaze was cold and furious as twisted the long haired man's arm so hard that it snapped. The man yelled in agony, the pain in his arm unbearable. His partner got up and tried to punch Lucas but he was no match for the Demon of the Underworld. Lucas grasped his fist with one hand and turned to elbow him on the face, smashing his nose again.