I'm Scared

Lillian's senses jerked back to reality when the car stopped abruptly in front of Lucas' mansion. For a moment, she was confused about where she was before realizing that they were home. The memory of the VIP room was carved inside her head and she nervously glanced at Lucas. 

His face was impassive but the lines around his cheeks had hardened as if he was restraining his anger with great difficulty. The aura around him was colder and more intimidating, making Lillian feel suffocated. She could sense his fury which was directed at her and she was shaking a little. Her mind was numb and she did not dare to move.

"Out," he ordered. "Now."

Without wasting a minute, Lillian quickly dashed out of the car. As soon as she was out, Lucas drove away, leaving her alone. She stood there for a while, wondering what to do about this. They were finally settling into a cordial relationship only for this to happen.