Trip to Japan (8)

The limo stopped in front of a small hill. Lucas nudged Lillian and they got out of the car. She stretched her limbs, looking at the view around her.

Green hills covered the entire area, making it the picture perfect destination. The road was rocky up ahead, making it hard for cars to pass through so the people who were visiting the nearby temple were walking along the route. Lucas led her towards a staircase on one of the hills.

"Does this lead to the temple?" she asked curiously.

"Yes," he replied. "There's a local temple up there which is not so frequented by people but is cozy."

They climbed up the stone stairs which led to the temple. Lillian wore a large hat to protect herself from the bright sun which was shining above them. She scanned the beautiful staircase which was made of jade, lined with shrubs and flower beds on its sides.