Trip to Japan (10)

Lillian was curious about the next place they were going to visit. Lucas had mentioned that there was a vineyard owned by one of his associates and that they were invited to it. 

"Where is this vineyard?" she asked.

"Not far," he replied. "It's right across the mountain."

She nodded and glanced outside at the river which ran along the shores of the road. Her eyes fell on a wasen, a traditional Japanese styled boat which was floating on the water. A couple was riding on it, looking happy and at peace. They were laughing and giggling as they took pictures together.

We didn't take a picture, Lillian realized. She shyly peeked at Lucas who was aloof. Did he even like to take pictures? She wondered.

Then she realized that there was not a single picture of him in his mansion. Not even a small portrait. He was a mafia don so probably it was too risky for him to take a picture.