Broken Promises

Stella was really annoyed. She pulled up her sleeves and had a serious expression on her face as she prowled through the mansion. 

"Aha!" She yelled and burst open a closet door. Jeremy was in it, cowering in fear. He quickly hid the box of chocolate behind him as his angry wife swooped on him like a hawk.

"AGAIN?" She screamed at him. "YOU'RE EATING THAT JUNK AGAIN?"

"Wife, I can explain!" Jeremy claimed. "You see...this from the sky and on my lap! It's god's miracle-"

"YOU PUNK OF AN OLD MAN ALWAYS WORRYING ME TO NO END!" Stella yelled. Seeing his wife like that scared Jeremy and he pouted like a child. 

"I was just having one!" he lied.

"One of how many? Thousands? Ugh! What do I do with you? Always sneaking off to eat this junk-"