Where is she?
An already shitty day got crappier.
"How far could she have gone? She's a woman in a fucking wedding dress." Chris raked his fingers through his hair, not caring if it stood in spikes. He had a more pressing worry.
Living until the morning.
His fucking asshole of a father was giving him hell for not marrying Isobel - because, apparently, it was totally his fault that she ran away.
Rasputin was offering to castrate him - with Marya threatening to pickle said removed body parts - for obviously having done something grievous enough to force Isobel to choose flight.
Why he got blamed for her running he'd yet to understand. Chris was the one still at the church. The one willing to say "I do" and get to the bedding aspect.
People appeared to be forgetting that part. Where was his sympathy? People should feel sorry for him. The poor jilted groom.