Chapter 28

What really happened.

I can't believe I lost my great-grandmother's locket.

Mother would kill her. The fact that Isobel had almost died would probably pale in comparison.

She'll say it was my fault for choosing to go through the woods and into the swamp.

Not her fault. Isobel would have been fine if her damned sword had done any damage to the swamp monster. But, like a toddling Rasputin with her first tiny ŽpŽe, she'd lost her weapon and faced the jaws of death quite literally.

Unarmed and seriously outmatched at the time, she could only hope she'd die quickly, or at least without gagging, given the fetid stench of the beast's breath washing over her face.

The tip of the monster's tongue wiggled free and left a trail of slime across her cheek. It had gotten awfully close to her lips - ewwwww! - when the giant dog arrived out of nowhere.

The dark streak of fur leaped and knocked down the creature.