The steam puffed and whistled at the cracks. Dials hovered in dangerous zones. And yet Jwls didn't dare lift off gently. Not when he knew the entire Luux force might be arrayed against him.
Indeed, he didn't need her shrieked, "I think they're shooting at us," to notice the missiles headed for his craft. Not wanting to use his shields more than necessary, he angled and wove, not exactly the quickest way to exit the atmosphere.
He ejected a few drones, their heat signatures providing a decoy that drew away some of the surface-to-air missiles
That only took care of a few of the explosions. Others hit the ship and rumbled it. On his board he could see enemy craft approaching.
Fast. Dexterous. Deadly.
The Amann were a mighty foe. Innovators of the best design.
He would know. They'd created his ship.