Chapter 15

Lying in bed, Fizbin tucked under her chin, Aggie had to wonder if Jwls knew their conversation would carry. Then again, how often was he in his bedroom while entertaining in his living room.

Either way, she heard every single word. But it was when his friends argued over who would get to kill her that she took off.

She knew the ins and outs of this place. However, it was the exit he didn't know of that she took. The one her little fluffball showed her.

Her pet hadn't let her leave the ship without him. He'd smuggled himself off the ship, tucked inside her shirt. Jwls was less than impressed when she found it cuddling in bed with them.

Her friend helped her out now. Fizbin slithered to the bottom level of the mountain house, to the engine room full of clanking machinery and whistling steam. The walls were rough down here, and it was behind some giant boiler thing Fizbin wiggled, returning to waggle a tentacle at her to follow.