Chapter 16 with Epilogue

Jwls never even thought twice about it. She ran off the cliff, and he dove off to save her.

He arrowed his body toward her, caught her in his arms, and rolled them so he hit the ground first. Hard enough he sank in the snow. Cracked a few things, jarred a few gears.

His system went into a reboot mode while it tried to heal his injuries. He could feel, see, and hear nothing for a moment while he lay in a healing coma.

But when he did finally begin to recover his wits and system, it was to find Aggie lying atop him sobbing.

"Why are you crying?" he managed to ask.

She sniffled. "Because you're dying. You jumped off a cliff to save me."

"Of course, I did."

"But I thought you wanted me to die."

"Where the fuck did you get a fool idea like that?"

"I heard you talking to your friends."