Taking long strides down the hall to her next objective, Nema cursed herself for being weak. She should have ejected Zak and Ray from the ship rather than waste her time trying to deal with the Siyborgh males. After all, they were partially to blame for the derailment of her mission. Not to mention tainted. She could feel the wrongness in them every time they drew near. The alien thoughts that hummed against her psyche. And the way they'd changed their bodies with objects. . . How could they argue that the metal within them was good?
She should rid herself of them before their poison spread.
A plan she couldn't follow through with because the moment she looked at them - the pair rugged with charming smiles and not a truly mean part in their bodies despite their modifications - she couldn't do it. They weren't intrinsically bad at the core, just misguided by their metal parts.