Chapter 47

Zak cornered Ray and whispered, "We need to make a decision about Nema."

"I told you to dump her. Now we're stuck. And why are you whispering?"

"In case she's listening."

Ray arched a brow. "If she's listening, then it doesn't matter how low you pitch your voice."

Good point. Zak moved away from Ray and chose to stare at the flashing passing stars. "It occurs to me that we have a dilemma in regard to her affections."

"Easy solution. Let her choose."

"I thought that was what we were doing, but it's not working. She continues to flirt with us both but commits to neither. I can't take it anymore." Zak raked his fingers through his hair.

"Is this your less than subtle way of demanding I bow out?" Ray asked.

"No. I would never ask you to step aside when she so obviously likes you."

"Are you sure? Because she seems quite taken with you as well."

"Which puts us at a stalemate." His lips turned down.

"Your point being?"