Chapter 110: Fox and Rabbit, Part 2

Saint Joseph's Church, Elgin

Centehua was leaving Mass with her family and walking towards their car when she spotted him.

"My Howie," she yelled and ran towards him. "You're back. I am so happy."

She ran towards him and nearly knocked him over when her body slammed into his. She threw her arms around him.

"Hey, Rose," I wasn't sure if you missed me or not."

"Rammy, are you loco?" she asked. "I missed you like crazy." She kissed him with her family looking on.

"You wanna, um, go to breakfast or something?" he asked.

"Si, I do." She turned towards her family and called out to them in Spanish, waving them on. She and Howie then proceeded towards his car. "Let's go, where would you like to eat?"

"How about Baker Hill for pancakes?" he asked as he opened the passenger side door of his 2037 Barracuda for her.

As he got inside and started the engine, she asked, "How was the trip and pilgrimage?"