Chapter 114

I sat up straight in the seat and scrubbed my hands over my face.

“Has it been two hours already?” I asked hoarsely.

My throat felt as if I had been screaming for those hours.

“Yeah, you must have been tired. Did you get what you needed?” Craig asked.

I nodded and rubbed my blurry eyes until I could see once again. My vision cleared just as Craig stopped in front of a few older buildings that lined both sides of a small street.

“This is the French Quarter. I figured, if we’re looking for the weird this would be a good place to start,” he said with a half grin on his face.

I returned the ironic grin and nodded. “Good thinking.”

I reached up to grasp my necklace only to find that I had pulled it off and it was already laying in my hand. Looking around to make sure it was safe, I popped out of the truck and stepped into the middle of the road.