Chapter 30



Nicco hands Kelsey her plate and kisses her on the top of her head. Then, he leads her to the buffet with his hand resting on the small of her back. I glance over at Bradley and Tonya's table, and I see that the message has hit its mark. Bradley is watching the entire exchange with a red face and an intense stare. Kelsey doesn't even look in his direction. She is fully engrossed in my brother's attention. Good for her.

We all head back to our table, and Nicco pulls her chair out for her. She smiles back at him, and I pray that this doesn't backfire. Just as we settle in to eat, preparing our stomachs for all the champagne consumption we plan for the night, Bradley approaches the table and clears his throat. Kelsey looks up to him just as Nicco moves in closer and lays his arm across the back of her chair.

"Hey, Brad," she says as nonchalantly as she can pull off at the moment.

"Hey, baby. Can we talk for a minute?"