Chapter 31



I'm pacing while I wait for Adriana to pick me up. Cross's meeting with my brothers was postponed, but they are now at a pub called Murray's, a few miles from here.

I overheard Cross on the phone with Nicco, making the arrangements, while I was in the shower, and as soon as he left, I called Adi and told her to come get me and to call a couple of our girlfriends in New Rochelle to accompany us. The boys will not make a scene in front of all of us. At least, I hope not.

I did the best cover-up job I could on my eye and hid the bandage at my temple with my hair. It is still visible but not too bad. I decided I would tell everyone that I had lost my footing while carrying schoolbooks and taken a tumble down the last couple of flights of stairs at our apartment building. With our walk-up and my clumsiness, it sounds like a feasible explanation.