Chapter 33



My brothers have begrudgingly accepted that Cross and I are now together. Not that they ever really had any say in it. Maybe when I was sixteen, but not any longer. I'm my own person, and I make my own decisions. At least, I did. Now, Cross thinks my decisions are his business, and I guess, in a way, they are. He gets a say, but he is not going to boss me around. Our current discussion is about my living situation. He wants me to move in with him straightaway. I want to finish out the school year in the city with Adriana. Besides, we still have to face Papa and Mamma before we can make any major moves.

"I would just feel better if you were here at night, so I knew you were safely tucked in with me."

That does sound nice, but I can't let him know that.

"I have always been perfectly safe at my apartment. What happened did not happen there."

"No, but he knows where you live. He could follow you home. Anyone could."