Chapter 47


I wake up alone. Before I even open my eyes, I reach for him, and his side of the bed is empty and cold. I sit up, taking the sheet with me, and blink away the sleep. I can still smell him on the sheets and my skin. Grief hits me but just for a moment. I knew he would be gone, so I pull myself together, get up, and make my way to the bathroom.

As I look at myself in the mirror I think, How did I get here again? I promised myself I would never be broken again, and yet I feel battered and bruise.

"You can handle this, Brie. You're not the same weak girl you were before," I say out loud to my reflection.

I start the shower, undress, and step in, letting the scalding hot spray wash over me. Everything that happened last night replays in my mind. What a strange twenty-four hours it has been.