Chapter 71


I am startled back from my memories when Cross's phone starts to ring. He releases me and reaches in his pocket to retrieve it.

"It's Stav," he tells me.

I move over, so he can stand.

"I'll be right back."

He walks into his office, and I stand and warm myself in front of the fire.

Dawn calls down the stairs, "Brie, we have pajamas for you if you want to change."

I follow her voice. It's been a long time since I have been in this house. I finally take a moment to look around me. To look at the house Cross and his brothers grew up in. I barely recognize it. The decor is so different. It is every bit Adriana, top to bottom. From the glittering chandeliers to the marble staircase. The crystal palace she always dreamed of. There is no trace of Cross here. Not the Cross I knew and loved anyway. I wonder if he is happy in this grandeur.